A Re-Do On William Shakespeare’s Play


So, in our class a while ago we went through the play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare. Then we were split into groups and we needed to re-enact a scene from the play. There was only 4 people in our group, so there was a limit on which scenes we could choose. Act 5, Scene 5 was the one we chose, and it’s also the last one. It’s the scene where Brutus, the leader of one army commits suicide rather than losing the battle and being humiliated. Another part of the assignment was that we had to make thi play more modern.

Our presentation was about one gangster group, and its leader that kills himself rather than being captured. You can probably see the resemblance between ours and the original. I think we had one problem: ours still sounded a bit like Shakespeare, language wise. I think it’s because we had copied and pasted the script form an app, then changed a few words here and there. We needed to start from scratch.

Our group had a pretty good script, but our actual presentation wasn’t the best. It definitely wasn’t my favourite thing to do, as I hate acting in front of people.

So, that was a summary on the re-do on William Shakespeare’s play!

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