Renaissance Visual!


We are just about to finish our Renaissance unit in class, and we had to create a visual to express the worldview of that time. Since there was a lot of change, I decided to show that in my visual. I got these ideas when I put together a Venn diagram about a thinker, artist, and a scientist. When I saw the comparisons and similarities, got my idea. The Florence cathedral uses art and architecture.
Renaissance Venn Diagram

That was my Venn diagram. Here is the visual I created from it:
First Draft

The first dome picture is from the Florence Cathedral built by Fillipo Brunelleschi. The second dome picture is the USA Capitol Building. This visual has a literal meaning, and another meaning. The literal meaning is that the architecture of the dome has carried through to today. The other meaning is that when people can think, they can create amazing things, like the dome. It shows the surfacing of thought and ideas.
After I received some feedback, I decided to take away the text to give the meaning to the viewers imagination. I also tried changing the border colour to grey.
Draft 2

I didn’t like the grey border so I changed it back to white, and then made the edges straight for a cleaner feel. I also got rid of the arrows to focus more on the meaning.

And that is my final draft so far.
I used a few apps to create this. I used an app called “Collage” which is, I guess it’s obvious, a photo collage app. That app helped put the photos in place, and I used photos from the Internet.
Well, I’m going to wrap up now, I hope you liked my post and my visual!

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