Back To My Future


Recently in our PLP HCE course, we have had to think about our future life and career. We have also looked at our past, and how it has influenced what we want to do in the future. To get some insight on what we might be good at or interested in for a future job, we did some quick career quizzes on a Work BC website. Here are my results to what information I submitted:

So, it was obvious from the quizzes and what I like doing, I would most likely do a hands-on construction-type of career, or a design type of career, which I wouldn’t mind. After the quizzes, I also needed to make a timeline of my life from when I was born to this assignment, and include a few main events. Here it is:

The main events I included were, my birth, on September 25, 2002, going to kindergarten for the first time, breaking my arm at the end of kindergarten, learning to ride my bike later on, and then a few years later getting goats and donkeys! We actually had two goats and two miniature donkeys on our three acre land when we lived in Alberta. Next on my timeline is completing elementary school in Alberta, then moving to Vancouver at the end of grade 6. This was both good and bad at the time, but in the end it turned out well. Then on my timeline next comes making new friends in Vancouver, and then going into Seycove for the first time, and the last event on the list, this assignment!

Anyways that’s my timeline.
Then now that we have thought about our past and our future, we were instructed to make a fantasy video that talks about our past, but also fantasizes about our future. What I said about my future was more realistic in that I think that I can capture my goals if I work hard. I definitely could have made it a bit more far out, and even more funny. But, since I loved to build as a child I knew that I wanted to do something very hands on for my career, so a carpenter is a great option for me. Anyways, I’ll stop talking and let you watch my video:

I made this video in iMovie using lots of images from the web, and a few from my own photo albums. Overall I enjoyed this project, looking at my past and thinking about my future, and then putting it into a good quality video.

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