Smart Goals Are Almost As Smrt As Me

In PLP 10 now, yes, summer has now turned into grade 10, we have been working on something called SMART Goals. They are something we want to accomplish this year. SMART is an acronym in this case, here’s what it is:

We needed to base our goals on this acronym, and check that our goals meet all those standards.

We needed to write three different goals. A goal about learning in school, a goal about growth as a person, and a goal about learning outside of school.

My first goal (about learning in school):

1. I want to be able to manage my time with PE online responsibly and successfully so I can achieve an A grade by using a spare block to work on PE online.

I made this goal because I just recently took the class PE online because that was the only way I could take my favourite clsss, engineering. I now have to manage my time because it’s a self-paced class, and I need to be organized so I don’t fall behind.

My second goal (about growth as a learner):

2. I want to be able to grow as a better presenter by taking speaking opportunities presented to me, and recording my rehearsals to listen if I need to pronounciate any words better, or change my script.

I chose this goal because I really do want to improve my comfortability in front of an audience.

And my third goal (about learning outside of school):

3. I want to learn more about how I can be apart of the trail maintenance company that is in charge of the mountain bike trails in my community, and help out because I love mountain biking and I want to build trails.

This goal is about what I want to do when I’m not at school. I do want to volunteer my time to help maintain some of the trails near me that I ride so much.

The last thing we needed to do for this mini project was create some kind of visual to represent each of our goals, and an audio recording with it of us saying the goal that goes with it. My first one was this:

The visual I made with a few images, and it’s supposed to say that I need to do my homework and manage my time well so that I have time to do my PE online well, which is the silhouette of a guy running.

The second goal is about me getting better at presenting. Here’s the video:

The paper in the bottom corner represents practicing and writing my script again and again until it’s perfect, and the restart button in the other corner represents me recording my speech and restarting if I need to.

The next goal (learning outside of school):

The rider is heading up to where he has to work, and the sign represents I’ll be working on bike trails, and the shovel represents the hard work it will take to move and shape all the dirt.

This project took a lot of thinking ahead, and careful thought on how to represent it in a visual. It really makes you think of what you want to accomplish this school year. I really enjoyed creating the visuals for our goals. Overall, an interesting and fun project


See you,

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