World War Uno

Hello again,

The first big unit this school year for humanities is talking about WWI. Right now we are talking about our opinion on what, how or who started the Great War.

We watched a few videos on the main events prior to the actual war, and took notes on them. Then, from those notes we needed to create some kind of visual, which was expected to look like a mindmapof some sort. And this is what I came up with:

The next thing we had to to was get into groups of four and each read a chapter of a small book that talks about a few aspects of how the war might have started, and supporting points. Since we read one chapter each to save time in the class, we took notes and shared with each other what we found out in our chapter. The next part was forming a thesis in our own words on how we think the war began. The thesis I came up with is this:

“The Great War began because of unstable and shifting alliances, which made all the countries uneasy and itching to battle it out.”

My three main points to support this statement are:

1. It never would have happened in the first place if everyone was happy with their place in Europe physically and politically

2. Russia sending troops and money to Serbia really made Austria nervous, setting off an attack

3. All the countries were on the verge of war  and were scared to lose their rank and respect from other countries, which pushed them over the edge.

On thing we learned in this unit so far is that there is no specific reason the Great War started, there are so many different opinions on this.

We had had to do one final thing to support our thesis, and that was make a type of visual. My visual was made in the app Explain Everything, and I cropped and cut out the backgrounds of my images with the app Photoshop Mix. During my research on this topic, I found this cartoon of the beginning of the War, and I thought it was really interesting.

I then had an idea which gave me this final project  I was going to turn that cartoon into sort of a comic strip movie. I was going to bring it to life in my own way. Click below to see the video:


This project was a fun and interesting one, and I’m looking forward to the rest of it, since this is only the beginning…


See You

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