Creative Crucible #2

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Today will be a continuation of our creative Crucible blog posts we are doing in PLP Humanities right now. Currently in class, we are reading a play called the Crucible, a dark, creepy play written about the Salem Witch Trials in 1690. We had a list of tasks to complete, and so in this post I’ll be doing my second one. You can read my first post below.

How to Spot a Witch

For this post, to answer a question, I thought I’d make a map slideshow. About my entire childhood. And then… post it on the Internet…


Here is my final product:

This is for the question on our task sheet that asks us to describe a time we felt isolated.

the process or fact of isolating or being isolated. "the isolation of older people"

I decided to make this map because I thought it would help show my life so far, since it has been in multiple locations with lots of different memories. And as for the isolation part, it is explained in the map slideshow. I have definitely felt isolated, like when I moved to Vancouver. This is all explained on the map, so make sure to check it out.

This all relates back to the Crucible because in the play, a man named John Proctor was isolated in his house for 7 months due to bad weather and I also think some personal choice. It is a little crazy to think about being in one house for seven months in today’s time, and so this relates back to the feeling of isolation John Proctor must’ve felt.

I actually really enjoyed this project, as I hadn’t used the map maker site before, and it’s a very powerful tool I plan to use again.


Well, that’s all for this post.


see you

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