This Is MY Canada

Before spring break some people from an organization called Here’s My Canada came into our class and told us about a contest they are having. If you want to compete, you need to create a 30 second video on what Canada means to you, and it can be anything you want. While the people from Heres my Canada were here, we needed to go in front of a camera they set up and say a first draft of what our video would look like. So, I told a story of the 2010 Olympics when Canada was playing USA in the Men’s hockey finals and Sidney Crosby scored the winning goal in overtime. I told them I remember going crazy in happiness that my team had won a big game.

After this, we needed to create our own videos with our own clips as long as we took our own videos or photos. I used the idea I had in the first video we submitted to the Here’s My Canada people, the hockey finals. This draft was hard to put together that looks good because I had to use photos from a copyright free site, or me playing hockey and I didn’t have any actual video. My first draft of this looked something like this:

I didn’t love this draft, since I didn’t have any actually video of the hockey game so I didn’t feel it was very strong. I decided to change ideas because of the lack in videos I had for the hockey idea. Then, I switched to an idea I had lots of video on: GoPro video of me adventuring around Vancouver. I planned to tell about what I love to do around Vancouver. I wanted to show me skiing, playing hockey and mountain biking. I chose this because I really love the three things I do in my video. The next and final draft looked like this:

I really liked this project because it was something that I was good at: making videos on activities I love doing.

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