Before World War Uno

This post is an extension of my other WWI post because we had to make one more video. This video was very fun to make.

Anyways, after our teacher saw our first blog posts and videos she decided to extend the dude date for three more days, and we were to make one more video with a group no larger than three. I was with Robbie for the planning stage, and then the next day Calum joined our group because he was sick the day before.

To start it off we came up with a thesis about why we think the war started. We came up with this:

“World War One began because of the numerous shifting and unstable alliances of the countries that participated in WWI. The alliances were established before the war and soon were untrusted making all the countries itching to fight.”

Then we built a video around that. But first we needed some information that supported our thesis, and so we found a timeline of the alliances formed prior to WWI and worked out what we would say from there. We had a few main ideas to talk about, which were:

  • – The fact that there were many alliances made
  • There were 18 million deaths involved in the war
  • There were alliances before the war started, and they weren’t super stable
  • This is what began the war

Those points were just some basic ideas that we came up with to get us going, and have a bit of structure in our video production.

We then started filming, and we chose different spots to film throughout Robbie’s yard to keep the viewer engaged. We spoke in chronological order about what happened, and shot short clips where me and Robbie each spoke a sentence about the topic. This part was serious, and we spoke right down to the point. Then, to loosen up the seriousness, we decided to film a “Robbie Recap” which was Robbie sitting on a stool playing ukulele while “singing” a summary of what we just said.

Me and Robbie were the speakers, and Calum was behind the camera. After this interesting musical solo we filmed our outro and then went inside to do some editing…

Which took 2.5 hours…

This was because we had to make a short intro, make our own music with the app GarageBand, and make other images to go with our information, and be relevant to our thesis.

Our idea was: Have the intro, then our thesis, some information, Robbie Recap, more information, summary, and the outro.

And so we did. We put all the clips in order, added the music and images me made, and then looked it over. We lowered the volume of the background music, and had ourselves a nice video. And so, here it is:

The next day, all, our videos were shown in front of the class, and the one thing I realize now we should have done more of was humour/entertainment. We should’ve made ours more funny, but still historically correct and respectful. The one funny part (Robbie’s Recap) wasn’t enough. Also I think we should’ve filmed other things other than just me and Robbie talking. I think those things overall would have made our video better.

But, I really enjoyed this project and learned a lot about the war doing it so, check it off the list.


See you

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