The Power Of Photo Editing!

So, as you probably know, we use our iPads in our class at school. At the beginning of the year, we installed some photo editing apps. There’s Snapseed and another called Repix. Both are great apps and I’ve used them a lot for projects. Just a few days ago, I used those apps to create some images I already had into better ones.

Here are a few of my favourites:


This is a photo of the water and a grassy field that I took in Oregon.

Lookout in oregon

We went to a great lookout point in Oregon on our field trip, and I took this picture there.

Dock in deep cove

This is my favourite one. I was standing on a dock and I took a photo of my shoes, the dock, and the water.

I was mainly using different filters, but there were other cool tools that helped me create these images. I used a lense blur on some, which blurs out the edges of the photo to focus on the middle of the photo. The apps I used are great, and I will definitely use them again in future projects.


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