The Items I Bring

In this post I’m going to talk about another project in PLP we did this past month. I really enjoyed this project overall. Anyways, the class this project is from is HCE, and the assignment was to create a keynote explaining the things we take with us in our daily life, whether it’s mentally or physically. So I started the project by thinking of the ten things I carry with me mentally and physically, and I came up with this list:

I was happy with this so I went to work putting my slides together. I first started by finding images for each slide, and thinking how to piece the whole thing together so it flows smoothly. I found all the images I needed, but some weren’t the way I wanted, so I took them to Photoshop Mix, a great photoshop app. For example, here is what I did with my bike to get rid of the background:


The next step was to add all the text and presenter notes into my keynote presentation. After I watched a few of my classmates presentations, I knew what I wanted to do. My general plan was to have one item per slide, and give a brief explanation of why I carry it with me. I also wanted to make my presentation more interesting than the ones I saw already, not that they’re bad or anything, I just wanted to go above expectations. There were some criteria we needed to follow. We needed to demonstrate our understanding of Keynote through using a variety of special features keynote has to offer. Anyways, I wanted my presentation to stand out to my classmates, and I wanted to make mine sort of funny. I used some old photos I found of me and my friends to do that, and also using two of my friend Robbie, to embarrass him a little, in a fun way. I also think I went above expectations by putting in two videos that I took in my presentation, while no one else in the class did.

Back on track. To finish my project, I rehearsed on my own, and then the next day presented my project, and it went well, thankfully. Here is my final keynote presentation (although the special transitions or videos won’t work):

So, I really, really enjoyed this project. I found it very interesting to see what other people “carried” with them, and I enjoyed presenting in front of a class I’m comfortable with. I’m also very proud of this project and the way it turned out because it’s just the way I wanted it to be. If I had to do it again, I wouldn’t change anything, except put a few more jokes in there.

Alright then,

See you

Back To My Future


Recently in our PLP HCE course, we have had to think about our future life and career. We have also looked at our past, and how it has influenced what we want to do in the future. To get some insight on what we might be good at or interested in for a future job, we did some quick career quizzes on a Work BC website. Here are my results to what information I submitted:

So, it was obvious from the quizzes and what I like doing, I would most likely do a hands-on construction-type of career, or a design type of career, which I wouldn’t mind. After the quizzes, I also needed to make a timeline of my life from when I was born to this assignment, and include a few main events. Here it is:

The main events I included were, my birth, on September 25, 2002, going to kindergarten for the first time, breaking my arm at the end of kindergarten, learning to ride my bike later on, and then a few years later getting goats and donkeys! We actually had two goats and two miniature donkeys on our three acre land when we lived in Alberta. Next on my timeline is completing elementary school in Alberta, then moving to Vancouver at the end of grade 6. This was both good and bad at the time, but in the end it turned out well. Then on my timeline next comes making new friends in Vancouver, and then going into Seycove for the first time, and the last event on the list, this assignment!

Anyways that’s my timeline.
Then now that we have thought about our past and our future, we were instructed to make a fantasy video that talks about our past, but also fantasizes about our future. What I said about my future was more realistic in that I think that I can capture my goals if I work hard. I definitely could have made it a bit more far out, and even more funny. But, since I loved to build as a child I knew that I wanted to do something very hands on for my career, so a carpenter is a great option for me. Anyways, I’ll stop talking and let you watch my video:

I made this video in iMovie using lots of images from the web, and a few from my own photo albums. Overall I enjoyed this project, looking at my past and thinking about my future, and then putting it into a good quality video.

You Are What You Eat

Have you ever heard the saying: “You are what you eat?” Well it basically means what you eat will reflect on who you are, whether it’s your personality or more physically. Recently in PLP we started a small HCE unit, and we are learning about healthy eating.

We were assigned a mini project on this, but first we needed to watch two different Ted Talks. The first one we watched really interested me, because it was about this guy who tried to be extremely healthy, and went to some extreme measures to do so. He washed his hands all the time, cleaned the remotes and cell phones in his house a lot, ate only healthy food, applied a layer of sunscreen every two hours, and wore a helmet when he was walking around. He concluded that after his year long experiment that him being so healthy was unhealthy. He was neglecting his family and friends, and being too obsessive over small things. That really interested me because some people think that you have to try to be really healthy, or extremely fit, but you don’t, you can just be who you are and still be healthy, in a healthy way.

Anyways, the mini project. We then needed to think about the foods that we eat on a daily basis, and then like Giuseppe Archimboldo, make a portrait of ourselves – but made completely out of the food we eat. This ties into the “You are what you eat” aspect of this project. I started designing my project in a great photoshop app called Photoshop Mix, but it wasn’t working the way I wanted it to, so I moved onto another app called Comic Life. Then I layered on all the food items I wanted. And so, this is my portrait:

The food I used is just some of the food I eat, and it’s mostly healthy I realize now. I don’t eat that much junk food at all, the only junk food I eat are potato chips and ice cream. I eat a lot of fruit and veggies, and a decent amount of meat. All of this contributes into the portrait I made.

The Ones At My Table

Hello, today I’m going to tell you about a leadership assignment we started a while back in PLP. We were talking about what it actually means to be a leader and what important qualities they have. Then we started an assignment called “Who’s at My Table.” We needed to think of 5 people that were leaders to us individually and write a paragraph about each person and why they are a leader to us. Then we needed to design a diagram that had all of them in it showing them all together with us. My people are: My Parents, my Grandad, Jackie Robinson, Brandon Semenuk, and Connor McDavid.

My first draft of my diagram looked like this:

I definitely needed to change this, I didn’t love the colours and it wasn’t very appealing to look at. So, I started working on my paragraphs and my second draft of my diagram.

Below are my paragraphs explaining why they are leaders to me:

My Parents: 

My parents are my mentors because they live with me everyday and are like my life trainers. They both set examples for me to follow, whether it’s intentional or not. They are important to me because they guide me, they show me what’s right and what’s wrong, and they set good examples for me and my sisters. They are my map for life. I learn so much from them, they help me through school and all my life problems. I wouldn’t be successful if they haven’t been there to guide me. If I get into trouble, they don’t get me out of it, they show me how to deal with it on my own respectfully. I learn what’s good and what’s not, and how to act the best in every situation. They are some of the best people I know, and that’s very inspiring to me. I aim to go higher than the bar they’ve set, and the only way I’ll be able to do that is with them as my parents.

My Grandad:

My Grandad would definitely be at my table, because he is so kind, caring and wise. I don’t get to see him much, but when I do, I love being with him. To me, he is full of life advice, and some of it I don’t even understand yet. He’s been preparing me for the real world and how to be the best person I can be. He is inspiring because he is so hard working, he is so smart, and he is the best people person I know. He inspires me because he works at the local Superstore, and sometimes for some long shifts. On his phone he has a step tracker that has a goal of 10,000 steps per day. And he hasn’t missed 10,000 steps a day since July 2015! My Grandad always knows what to do, and he is so caring for his 11 grandkids, me being one. He will talk to anyone, and is very good at asking people about themselves, to make them feel special. I want to follow in his footsteps and be just like him.

Jackie Robinson:

Jackie Robinson is on my table because of his story and what he accomplished. He inspires me to keep doing what I believe in, no matter what others think. In this day and age, we are obsessed at what others think of us. But Jackie Robinson wanted to play baseball, and even the whole world thought he was useless or bad, he kept going and won so many awards and there is a day named after him.  He also inspires me because of his sports career. He makes me want to strive for the better in my sports, and do what it takes to become better as an individual, and make my team better. His determination also inspires me, because he had to be determined to play in the MLB, and he wouldn’t have made it if he just gave up, which he easily could have multiple times. Overall, he pushes me to not only be a better athlete, but also a more determined one.

Brandon Semenuk:

Brandon Semenuk is a professional mountain biker for Trek. He is on my table because of his incredible career as a biker, and how he became so good at biking. He inspires me because he can take his skills from downhill biking, and transfer them to BMX right away and still shine. He has won many championships in downhill biking, like Red Bull Rampage  and also in slope style biking. This inspires me to become better as a biker, even if it’s only in one type of biking. The way he believes he still can improve even at a professional level is amazing to me. He is always doing crazy out of this world tricks and those seem impossible to me. Yet, he does them all with ease. His determination and skill are the biggest reasons why he’s on my table of leaders.

Connor McDavid:

Connor McDavid is my favourite hockey player. Not only because he’s on my favourite team, the Edmonton Oilers, but because of how hard he works. First off, every game he works super hard, but he would have had to work ten times that hard to make it to where he is today. Before he was picked to play for the Oilers, the Oilers were really bad. But now, for the first time in a while, the Oilers have a very good chance of getting into the playoffs. He is inspirational to me because of the difference he’s made in the NHL and on Edmonton’s team. It makes me want to make a bigger impact on my team I play on. He also has so much skill and speed in his game, and that’s very fun to watch. That pushes me to be better and faster. Overall, how much he has made an impact on those around him, and his incredible skill is what make him a leader at my table.

This is the final copy of my diagram showcasing my Leaders:

All of these people I look up to, whether it’s about sports or life. They all help shape who I am today.