A Re-Do On William Shakespeare’s Play


So, in our class a while ago we went through the play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare. Then we were split into groups and we needed to re-enact a scene from the play. There was only 4 people in our group, so there was a limit on which scenes we could choose. Act 5, Scene 5 was the one we chose, and it’s also the last one. It’s the scene where Brutus, the leader of one army commits suicide rather than losing the battle and being humiliated. Another part of the assignment was that we had to make thi play more modern.

Our presentation was about one gangster group, and its leader that kills himself rather than being captured. You can probably see the resemblance between ours and the original. I think we had one problem: ours still sounded a bit like Shakespeare, language wise. I think it’s because we had copied and pasted the script form an app, then changed a few words here and there. We needed to start from scratch.

Our group had a pretty good script, but our actual presentation wasn’t the best. It definitely wasn’t my favourite thing to do, as I hate acting in front of people.

So, that was a summary on the re-do on William Shakespeare’s play!

Destination Imagination


Welcome to another blog post by me. So, in the beginning we were given a challenge. We needed to complete the challenge. We built props and costumes. Then we went to a tournament.

The tournament was on Saturday February 27th. Yeah, Saturday. So in the course of a month and a bit, we worked on our projects.

Building Our tree

Above is a picture of our tree, almost finished.

There was about five groups in our grade, I think. My group needed to demonstrate how a living organism camouflaged in the wild. We decided to make our project around how owls blend in with trees. We also needed to make a story with a big plot twist.

Our story went a little like this:
A young owl was very curious about what he could do, and he wanted to become greater. He heard about this Wise Old Chameleon who could teach him the art of camouflage, so he went to find him. But what the little owl didn’t know, was that he was moulting!!! Some of his feathers were now on the forest floor.
A dangerous hunter found those feathers, realized it was a western screech owl, and decided to capture it to sell on the black market. He was following the trail of feathers to the little owl. Meanwhile, the owl made it to the Wise old Chameleons tree. He knocked on the tree, and begged the Wise Old Chameleon to teach him the art of camouflage. He agreed, and the pay started right away. Since the owl was with the Chameleon, the hunter couldn’t find the owl.
Once the owl was done, he decided to head home to show his friends. The hunter caught up with the owl, and right before he was caught, the owl remembered his training, and dove into a tree to camouflage. The hunter couldn’t find him, so the hunter headed home, and so did the owl.

That was our presentation. I was the owl, Claire was the hunter/chameleon, and Ryan was the narrator. I think that our presentation went well, and we scored well. We are moving on to the next round: Provincials! We definitely needed to work hard on this, and we did lots of work after school on some days.
We also did an instant challenge which is a challenge we don’t know at all, and we receive a smaller challenge that we need to complete in a certain. time. We did well on that, but we didn’t place first.

For Provincials, I would say I’m one third excited, one third nervous, and one third of me doesn’t want to go. Overall, we did good, and had some fun. Below is a picture of the Seycove grade 8 and 10 teams with our ribbons, at the end of the day.

The End of a Great Day

The SLC’s Are Here…

Hello again,
Thanks for coming. In my SLC I’m going to share my plan for three parts of my presentation.
The first part of the presentation is to share the work I’m most proud of. I would say my Star Wars project is the one I’m most proud of.

Star Wars

My project is small, but it took a lot of hard work and concentration. It was very hard to get the bike to balance above the box using magnets. I’m most proud of this project because of the hard work doing it, and presenting it for others with an awesome slideshow of my progress. It was also fun to do because, well, it’s Star Wars! Here is a link to my Star Wars blog post:

Star Wars In School?

The next part of my conference is showing the work that showed growth. For this topic, I would say my advertisments. My first drafts of my ads were definitely not as great as my final ones. I needed to make my ads tell a story, and also have strong advertising techniques. At first, it was hard because I had never done a project like it, and I wasn’t used to doing a project without lots of specific criteria to complete. Go to this link to see my blog post on my ads:

Reflecting On My Advertising

To finish my SLC I need to talk about my work that I think shows evidence of growth mindset. I think that my Destination Imagination project showed a lot of growth mindset. At first, no one was really working, and there was so much work to do. Everyone took a while to start working, but then everyone started working really hard. We all turned our fixed mindset into a growth mindset to get the project done well. I was a happy with how our project went, we placed third in a tournament!
Check out my Destination blog post!

Destination Imagination

Thanks for reading!

The Power Of Photo Editing!

So, as you probably know, we use our iPads in our class at school. At the beginning of the year, we installed some photo editing apps. There’s Snapseed and another called Repix. Both are great apps and I’ve used them a lot for projects. Just a few days ago, I used those apps to create some images I already had into better ones.

Here are a few of my favourites:


This is a photo of the water and a grassy field that I took in Oregon.

Lookout in oregon

We went to a great lookout point in Oregon on our field trip, and I took this picture there.

Dock in deep cove

This is my favourite one. I was standing on a dock and I took a photo of my shoes, the dock, and the water.

I was mainly using different filters, but there were other cool tools that helped me create these images. I used a lense blur on some, which blurs out the edges of the photo to focus on the middle of the photo. The apps I used are great, and I will definitely use them again in future projects.


Mr. Mark Antony, Born Again… In Paper!


So, in class we were given the task to create a paper version of an important character in a Shakespeare play. My group was given Mark Antony, or Marcus Antonius. We also needed to write some of the important personality traits or events on the body, in specific places to have a better representation. Here’s ours:

Our Body Biography


His birthday, death date, place of birth, place of death were all put in his head because when you are a baby, the last part of you created is the top of your head. In his hand, we put that he was a dangerous gambler, and he was a general. His personality traits were put in his legs because that’s what carry you as a person. Those being overbearing, brutish, reckless, passionate, powerful. His spouse and children names were put in his heart, because a heart represents love. In his foot, it says that he was a commander in Greece. We put that there because when you are a commander, in battle, you “stomp” on your enemies. The photos in his arm were some of the places he’s been. He was born in Rome, and he died in Alexandria, Egypt. The placement of the words all mean something to Mark Antony’s personality or events in his life.

So, that was our body biography of Mark Antony!


Star Wars In School?

Hello again!

So, as you probably know, in my PLP class at school, I was given the task to present a project of our choice, and the fun part: It needed to relate to Star Wars!! One of the first things we needed to do was create our driving question. Mine was “What can I create that will be a good example of a vehicle that can hover, like the 74-Z speeder bike?”. I filled out a sheet of information about my project. I was debating whether or not to use a small fan, but I thought it would be hard to control that.

After that, I started planning what my model would look like.

At first, I wasn’t really getting anywhere. I didn’t know what to do next, and I didn’t know what I just did to help the project. I only had some cardboard, tape, magnets, and the Lego version of a speeder bike, as you see below.

Starting off

I tried a few times, but I didn’t have any success. The magnets were way too spaced out and they were VERY finicky and hard to control. Also showing with my project was a keynote that I made on my iPad, and it had slides of my progress. At this point, this is a slide that showed what I was thinking.


Now, I went to a smaller base so it would become more controlled, and it was better. I put magnets in the bottom of the box and small rectangular ones on the bottom of the speeder bike positioned so they would repel. It did repel, but I couldn’t let go of it otherwise it would twist around and fall into the box. Then I had an idea to put some fishing line that would go from the corners of the box to the speeder bike. I put them there not to hold the bike up, but to keep it from tipping.

Pretty close

It worked! The bike was hovering above the box! It wasn’t hovering very high, so I put two more big magnets in the bottom, and it shot up even more, and looked way better. I was happy with it! To make it look even better, I glued grass paper to the sides, and put another piece on top to show the terrain around it. It looked great. Here is my final product:


So, after all that, I answered my beginning question. I have created a model that shows a vehicle, like the speeder bike, hovering above ground without any assistance but magnets! I’m glad I did this project. I have learned about making a driving question, trial and error, answering my question, and now reflecting on it. The project was not only filled with learning and hard work, but it was also really fun to do!

The Story Of My Quilt


So in class, we’ve been working on our quilts, and I’d like to tell you about the creation process of my square.
We first created an idea of our civilization, and we created a hero with it. Ours was named Bellator, and in this story he goes on a quest.

My part of the story was Bellator approaching the castle of the Evil King. The sword represents Bellator, the hero, the path represents the long twisting path Bellator has to follow to get to the castle. The red and black at the end of the path represents the Evil King’s castle. I made it look dark and uninviting to show the evil of it.

I started out with a really complicated, detailed picture of the part of the story I was going to draw.

Quilt Square First Draft

I asked my group if my picture was good, and we decided that I needed to make it less literal and more abstract. I then made it so the mountain and ocean wasn’t there to have more meaningful objects in the picture. My next draft looked like this:


There, I had a different sword than my other group members, but we were showing the same character, which was a problem. Another problem with this draft was the castle was up to far so it was going out of the picture. So, we needed to have the same sword in all our pictures, and I needed to move my castle down.


Here, I have put in the sword we are going to use to represent our hero, but I haven’t moved the castle down, which I need to do.

This is my final draft of my quilt square

This is my final draft, ready to print onto fabric! I moved the castle down, and I’ve moved the moon in a little to make sure that it’s away from the edge. Then it was printed out onto a fabric that I can do my quilting with. I sewed the outside edges of the square a dark blue, around the moon with white, the path with brown, the castle with black, the hilt of the sword in light blue and the blade with yellow. The final looked like this:

Final Draft With Sewing

Next, I’ll show you the full and complete story of Bellator!

Using the storyboard above, we created a story of the founding of our civilization. Below is the complete version of the story.
There are two different ancient civilizations, the Alexonians and the Shoewees, and they are on the brink of war. That war could result in the death of many, many people. Both their civilizations are way ahead of our time in technology. A farmer from the Alexonians, named Bellator, decides to go with the finest sword ever made to attack the Evil King of the Shoewees. The evil King has a plan to rule both civilization’s, so Bellator decides to sneak in and kill the evil king. Bellator sets out for the enemy civilization. He has a little trouble getting in, but manages to get through undetected. He makes it to the Evil King’s castle, defeats the King’s guards and then confronts the King. The Evil King doesn’t think that a small farmer boy could kill him, so he faces Bellator without his sword. That foolishness results in the Evil Kings’ death. Bellator returns home, and now a hero. The leaders of the Alexonians are a little angry with Bellator for going without permission, but they’re happy as well because of what he did. Bellator thinks that there shouldn’t be a chance of another war like that happening, so he starts a civilization called Auxillium. Auxillium means Help in Latin, which was chosen because that’s what Auxillium would like to do. Over time they have helped humans with great monuments and helping the human race survive. That’s the story of how the civilization Auxillium was founded.

Here’s a photo of all four of the quilt squares that me and my group did:

Whole group quilt
I liked doing this project because of how unique it was. I’ve never done anything like it before, so it was a good experience for me. It took hard work and a lot of thought but overall it was good.

Star Wars: My Blog Post Awakens

Hello again!

So before Christmas break we had to events related to Star Wars.  One of them was our Star Wars Blue Sky project, and the other was going to see the movie. The Star Wars projects were all really good and everyone came prepared to show off their projects. We all were put into groups based on our projects. Then we were assigned planets from Star Wars.  There was Hoth, Endor, Tatooine, Naboo and Dagobah. I was in the group endor. We all had a place to set up and decorate to make it look like our planet.

The Star Wars movie in my opinion was really good. The character were funny and the villian was really cool. It was awesome to see it on the opening day, and miss school the day before Christmas break. I would definitely see it again sometime.

So those were the two awesome Star Wars events that I was involved in before Christmas break.

The pictures at the top are my finished project and part of the Endor planet we created.




Stitching Together Our Quilts!

Our storyboard for our hero.

Our storyboard for our hero.

This is my final draft of my quilt square

This is my final draft of my quilt square


The process of our quilt went something like this:

We started with nothing but a few ideas. Well, we started with those ideas and a basic organizer, to help us get started with the story we were forming. The organizer had places to write the who, what, where, when and why’s of our made up civilization. The name of our civilization is Auxillium, which is Latin for help. We chose that name because the civilization has done a lot of helping to the outside world.

Our civilization’s setting was on a remote island that hasn’t been found. It’s technology is way ahead of the outside world’s, and so it secretly assists them with the tools and ideas they have. For example, they helped with the construction of the pyramids and Rome as well.

The people who live there value family, equality with others and putting themselves before others. They also are more respected if they have served at least one year in the military.

We also had to create a hero and how they became a hero. Our heroes name was Bellator, and he founded the greater Auxillium. My group was good at working together because we all agreed to other ideas, so it made the process quick and strong. Our hero story came together quickly because we were all thinking around the same lines. Our storyboard was described well and we all built up on our ideas to make them better.

Even with our quilt squares we were open to how we needed to improve and giving feedback. All our squares needed only little improvement. We need to communicate a little better to each other because we spent some last minute time matching up our squares when we could have done it earlier. My role in the making of this quilt was to give my ideas, and draw the important second scene of our story.

Overall, I think our group worked well together.

Star Wars Blue Sky Project


These are photos of my progress so far. I’ve been working on my Star Wars project pretty hard, and I’ve encountered many problems. For my project I’m making a model of the speeder bikes in the movies. So I’m making a Lego version of the speeder bike hover using magnets. It’s actually been pretty hard, harder than I thought it would be. The magnets repel from each other, but they also want to connect on the sides, so the bike keeps going off to one side or just flipping over. I’ve now put the magnets into a smaller base to it more controlled. I even need to use super glue to hold some of the magnets down because of how strong they are. I’m also working on a costume, which is Luke Skywalker in his endor costume. I have a really big white t-shirt, and I’m going to spray paint it green and brown. I’m also making a food item: lots of marshmallows coloured to look like mini storm troopers. They look really cool.

Overall, I’m excited to present my project and finish working on it.