A Living Blimp

Hello, welcome back to my blog. This is the second out of three blog posts we are writing in our Metaphor Machines unit. So, in class we are reading a novel called Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld, which is in the genre Steampunk. Our unit right now is based on Steampunk and the industrial revolution. For this blog post I needed to find a question on the book leviathan and research it. My question is: “Would the Leviathan airship be an ideal airship nowadays?”

To show this, I made a chart that shows parts of the Leviathan airship, compared to a modern day blimp:

Comparison Chart

The biggest difference between the two is the fact that the Leviathan Airship is a living creature. It has built in mechanical parts as well, like the engines at the back.

The Leviathan Airship

This is definitely very different compared to a blimp. Now, we only use blimps for advertising, tours, and scientific observation, and not as a warship. The main reason I can think of why that is is because if the blimp gets hit with a few bullets, it’s gonna crash. In the book the Leviathan, the airship is shot at, and it gets a few holes in it, but they repair it quickly. The only problem they had was that the engines broke down. So, if we think about it, an airship like that wouldn’t be the greatest in nowadays warfare. It does have its advantages though. It’s quiet in the air, it’s a living creature so it eats to create more hydrogen, it has a whole ecosystem inside of it, and it has decent attack mechanisms. For example, the Leviathan Airship has creature called flechette bats that when scared, let loose all their lunch, which is filled with razor sharp spikes. The bats eat their food, which has those spikes in them, and it doesn’t harm them. Then when they are needed, they fly into the air and are guided with a spotlight to the target. At the right moment, the spotlight turns red in colour, which scares the bats so much that they let loose a rain of spikes.
Blimps don’t have any defence or attack measures because well, who’s going to attack an advertisement blimp? The structure is entirely different because the Leviathan has bones and muscle.

Modern Day Blimp

So in conclusion, the Leviathan would not be the absolute greatest ship in the warfare idea nowadays, but it would be good for transportation for important cargo and passengers. That is because it can fly for a very long time since it has its own ecosystem inside of it. And it has small defensive measures to ensure it gets where it needs to go.

Revolutions Have a Theory, You Know

This blog post will be about a guy named Crane Brinton.

So, you are probably thinking; “Who the heck is Crane Brinton?”. Well I’m going to tell you. He is a guy who lived a while back and he decided to look at four different revolutions that had happened. He studied the French, English, American, and the Russian revolutions and saw that they all had a slight pattern. So, he researched a bit more, and came up with “The Theory Of Revolution”! In this theory he compared a revolution to a fever. It is basically a big cycle that shows the steps of a revolution. Not all the revolutions are the same, but some do kind of follow the steps. There is a point I’m getting to, so keep reading. In class, we looked at all the steps and what happens. This diagram we were given helps you visualize what happens:
Brinton's Theory Diagram

Once we understood this, we were tasked with drawing our own revolution cycle, and it needed to represent the key events in the stage. Here is mine:
My Drawing of the Cycle

As you can see, it slowly gets worse, then goes back to normal, but just a slight bit of difference based on the new ruler. Here are the main points of the theory:
Main Points Of the Revolution Stages

After all that stuff, which is what I’m doing right now, is we needed to think up a question about Crane Brinton’s theory, and research and write a blog post about it. It was tough to come up with any research on my question, whenever I sesrched the importance or anything related to my question, I got the same websites…😭
So, I am going to talk about what I think for another 400 words…
Just Kidding...

Well I do have to say my opinion on my question…
And my question is, in case you forgot 🙁: “Why is Crane Brinton’s Theory of Revolution important to our society today?”

So, in my opinion it’s important to us as people so we can recognize what is happening, and if it is bad, stop it before it happens. It also gets me thinking, what other historic events have a pattern to them? What about wars? Do they have patterns we just haven’t seen yet? It proves Brinton’s theory is more important than just showing a pattern. Now, our society has changed so much that maybe the theory isn’t applicable, but I think that many of the points are still valid. Anything in that graphic I made with the main points listed can still happen today.
So, I do think that Brinton’s theory is important, and it can be very influential in the future.

Thanks for reading my long blog post👌🏻

Summer 2016

Well, my summer has been a great one. One of my favourites, actually. I did a lot of activity and a lot of relaxing, which I liked.

One of the first things we did was to take a 10 day trip to Kelowna with my cousin. We brought our boat up for the first time and we planned on doing lots out on the water but the weather wasn’t the best.

We also spent a week in Edmonton, since my whole family was born there and that’s where all our family is. It was nice to see a few of my old friends and all my cousins.

After that, I was home the rest of the summer.

I did lots and lots of cliffjumping in Seymour River, since the spot is just up the road from my house.


Here is a video of me jumping

That cliff is about 40 feet from the water.

I also did some mountain biking, my first summer doing so, and so I did many amazing trails. I went to Squamish for a day for a big mountain biking filled trip on the mountain there, and we did trails that were worth a 30 minute pedal up!

Here is a video of me doing a wooden bridge built in a trail on Seymour called “Corkscrew”

Corkscrew Bridge

Overall I had an amazing summer and I wish this one would never end…

The SLC’s Are Back!


I just want to start off by saying thank you for coming to my second SLC.

Today I will be telling you about some of the work I’ve done in my PLP class during the year, and what I think about it.
The first piece of work I’ll be talking about is my iBook introduction video. This video was created to go into an iBook that we could publish for others to read. Personally, I really liked this project because I like to film and edit, and it puts together a lot of work we’ve done into one video. In my opinion, this is the piece of work that shows the most evidence of learning because it relates to way back to when we worked on our advertisements. It shows filming and editing skills and good quality photos and sound, which are all big parts of all of our work in PLP.

The iBook of the Century!

Ok, now to the next piece of work. I know I just talked about the iBook, but overall, as a class, we could have worked harder at finishing it. This project started like Destination Imagination, where not many people were working as hard as they could have been. I think that if we had started as strong as we had worked at the end, we easily could have finished the iBook. I enjoyed the whole process of the iBook, but it could have had more effort. Next time, personally, I would start the filming for the video sooner, so we had more time to help out in other areas of the book.

The final part in my conference is to talk about my goals in PLP. In my last SLC, I talked about my Ads, Star Wars project, and DI. And since then, we have done lots more projects, and some I liked and some not so much. But since then, my mindset has not changed. I want to do the best I can in everything I do, and all my work. That has shown in all my work, in my opinion. I’ve tried my best and worked hard at school and at home to keep my work at my best.

Well, I thank you for coming to my SLC, and I hope you have a good summer!

Samuel Scheewe

The iBook of the Century!

This is a post about a project I have never before done. To this day, I still have not done it.
That is because, unfortunately we ran out of time to finish it. We had all the pieces ready, but we couldn’t put them all together. We had multiple other projects, like our blue sky, science and museum projects to finish up at that time. You can read about those other projects in my other blog posts.
So, the base of the project was to create one interactive iBook that our whole class worked on, and that we could publish for others to read. To do that we were put into groups to do different parts of the book, like the design, videos, writing, etc. I was in a group with the job of creating the introduction video. When our readers first opened our book, this video was the first thing they saw. We needed to explain what our book was about in around a minute of video. That leads to what I’ll say next, but first, here is a link to our intro video:

At that time we were at the end of a worldview and religion unit, so we put that into our iBook. We also were going to add a bit of poetry since we just finished that unit before the current one. Buddhism, Sikhism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism and many more religions were to be explained in the book, with photos, videos and text to do so. We all created a video for each religion as well, using a great app called Explain Everything. Here is a link to an Explain Everything that I did about Hinduism:

So, as I’ve said, our iBook is incomplete and the school year is over, we can’t finish it now. But, I still enjoyed the creation process and filming and editing our video.

A Homemade Museum


As you know from my last post, I presented 3 different projects on the same day in an exhibition. I was put it a group in my PLP humanities class of 8 people, and we were given the topic “The Means Of Exploration”. We were referring to the time when the Europeans came across to North America. There were two other groups put together in my class, one was the desire to explore, and the last one was the results of exploration.
We put together some information, and fit it under three main topics:
1. Tools
2. Ships
3. Wealth
We talked about different topics for each, and we put the information into slides. Then those slides were printed onto these big display boards, which we presented at our exhibition.
Here are our slides that were put on the display boards:

Title Slide

This was our title slide, which gave the main idea about what’s to come.


This slide explained what this museum zone would be about, since we had an area to set our boards up in.

Tools Slide

Here is our tool slide, and it was our first topic heading.

Ships Slide

This is our ships slide, which was our second heading.

Wealth Slide

This is our final slide explaining the importance of wealth.

So, it took a while to pin these to the boards, but after we did, it looked really nice. We set up our exhibits like a museum so visitors could easily look around at our boards. This project was unlike anything I’ve ever done, so it was neat to see the final product.

When Can Science and Ravens Come Together?

At my school it can…

For a science project, wee needed to combine the native story of the raven with light. My project has the raven in the centre, with 6 trees around it. In the bottom of the trees, there are a different lenses. There is a mirror, a prism, convex lens, transparent lens with a bit of red colour, a translucent lens and an opaque tree trunk.

The prism refracts the light and bends it separate ways. The mirror reflects the light in a different direction based on the angle of the light. The convex lens widens, or refracts, the light like the prism. Transparent means that you can see through it, and the lens has red marker on it to make the colour. Translucency is when you can sort of see through the object, and opaque is when you can’t see through it at all.

Here’s a picture of my project a part of the way through:

Science Project

It wasn’t actually stick to the table, I just had it there to work on it. It’s attached to the black piece of wood.

The lenses go under the trees, and I had a shoebox looking like a bird with a flashlight inside. The shoebox rotated around, and you could point it at each tree to see the different ways the light moves.

My project combined a story, science and math. On the same day I presented this project, I presented 2 others. I will add links to those posts soon!

thanks for reading👍🏻

Renaissance Visual!


We are just about to finish our Renaissance unit in class, and we had to create a visual to express the worldview of that time. Since there was a lot of change, I decided to show that in my visual. I got these ideas when I put together a Venn diagram about a thinker, artist, and a scientist. When I saw the comparisons and similarities, got my idea. The Florence cathedral uses art and architecture.
Renaissance Venn Diagram

That was my Venn diagram. Here is the visual I created from it:
First Draft

The first dome picture is from the Florence Cathedral built by Fillipo Brunelleschi. The second dome picture is the USA Capitol Building. This visual has a literal meaning, and another meaning. The literal meaning is that the architecture of the dome has carried through to today. The other meaning is that when people can think, they can create amazing things, like the dome. It shows the surfacing of thought and ideas.
After I received some feedback, I decided to take away the text to give the meaning to the viewers imagination. I also tried changing the border colour to grey.
Draft 2

I didn’t like the grey border so I changed it back to white, and then made the edges straight for a cleaner feel. I also got rid of the arrows to focus more on the meaning.

And that is my final draft so far.
I used a few apps to create this. I used an app called “Collage” which is, I guess it’s obvious, a photo collage app. That app helped put the photos in place, and I used photos from the Internet.
Well, I’m going to wrap up now, I hope you liked my post and my visual!

Religious Tour!


A while back we started a new unit in Humanities: Religion and Worldview. The driving question of the unit is: “How is the worldview of a religion represented in the real world?”
So, we have been studying many religions and their beliefs and just last week and this week, we have gone on a few field trips! Last week we went out for a whole day to a place called “Highway to Heaven” in Richmond, which is an area of a whole bunch of religious buildings. We went to a Hindu temple, 2 Buddhist temples and a Sikh temple that day. Each place spoke to us about the religion and we took some pictures.

Here are some statues inside the Hindu temple:



Statues of the Gods

Statues of the gods

They each represent a god in the Hindu religion.

Here are some photos from the first Buddhist temples, the Tibetan Thrangu Monastery:

Outside Of Monastery Buddha Statue

Here are some pictures from the second Buddhist place:

In the Courtyard Founders

Here are some pictures from the Sikh temple:

Inside the main room image

We also went to a United Church and then a Islamic mosque this week, but only for the last two blocks of school.
Here are some pictures from the United church:

Giant Stained Glass Window Outside Of Church

Here’s a picture in the Islamic Mosque:

Inside the Prayer Room

That is where the sermon speaker would stand to do his sermon.

Each place was unique and very interesting. It was a good experience because I hadn’t been in most of those places, and now I understand more about each religion and their beliefs.

Thanks again for reading my blog!

My View Of the World

Hi there!

Since we started a worldview and religion unit in Humanities, we needed to do a project that showed our worldview. At the beginning of the year, we downloaded an app called Explain Everything, and we used it to create our project. This app is basically an interactive whiteboard, as they call it. Sort of like keynote, but you can record your voice as well. You will see it when you watch my amazing explain everything!!

Creation Process Summary:
First, I listed the main points of my worldview. I then put together the main ideas behind each of those points. I constructed the slides to be interesting and fun to watch, using clip art and different backgrounds. Then, I put in my animations and voice overs.

Here is a YouTube link to my video, please look:

So that was my video!! Hope you liked it.
In class we are working on more of those on specific religions, so you might see some more in the future.