Without An H

“I would rather die of passion than of boredom”


Blogging Challenge day 6

Hey! Welcome back to my blog! Today’s post is about music, which I absolutely love. To kickstart the post, I made a playlist with some Broadway showtunes, some of my favourite types of music. These songs are mostly from well-known musicals and give you a good taste of what showtunes are like.

blogging vibes

I have a very broad music taste so I love many styles. Broadway, oldies, indie, pop, you name it. Today I’m going to tell you a bit about one of my favourite artists, Alanis Morissette.

Morissette is a Canadian-American singer/actor. She’s made many albums, the most notable being Jagged Little Pill, which was widely popular and known for the songs You Oughta Know, Ironic, Hand in my Pocket, All I Really Want and Head Over Feet. During Morissette’s teenage years and 20’s, she struggled with depression and various eating disorders. She later ran a marathon promoting awareness for eating disorders. Morissette continues to act and sing to this day. Jagged Little Pill now has a Broadway musical that has been hugely successful. 

Ironic by Alanis Morissette 

For the third portion of my post, I created a fairly easy Kahoot quiz about popular Broadway musicals. It’s pretty basic Broadway knowledge, though some questions may be a little trickier if you’re not a Broadway fan. To quote Wicked “it’s time to trust my instincts, close my eyes and leap,” Though it’s a pretty short quiz I hope you enjoy it!

Broadway quiz

That’s it for today, I hope you enjoyed the ramblings of a theatrekid who is trying to seem like she likes normal people music and failing miserably! Till next time, stay classy!

“Chaos is great! Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, darling.”


saraj • February 23, 2021

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  1. Dana P. March 7, 2021 - 12:09 am Reply

    It was super cool learning more are Morissette! Also the Broadway quiz was great 🙂


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