Without An H

“I would rather die of passion than of boredom”

Growth Mindset

Welcome back to my blog, today I’ve got a post all about something we’ve been learning a LOT about, growth mindset. Though this has become something of a joke in our classroom, the idea is definitely not a joke and it’s a legitimate way to ensure you’ll be more successful in your life.

What is a growth mindset?

A growth mindset is a state of mind where you are open to new things and embrace failure as a way of learning. 

Having a growth mindset ultimately leads to to be far more successful than if you have a fixed mindset. Having a fixed mindset is when you believe that your current abilities cannot be changed. If you have a fixed mindset you’ll grow afraid of failure and never grow in your abilities. 

The Book

For our growth mindset challenge, we had to use an app called Book Creator and create a Growth Mindset journal. This book I created has all the reflections I made every Tuesday and Thursday for the past couple weeks when we had an hour dedicated to learning and embracing a growth mindset. During these Tuesdays and Thursdays, we learned a huge amount about different things like grit and persistence. For each class we made reflections on what we learned about that day so the book if full of these. Embedded below is the book so you can flip through.

Why is a Growth Mindset Important?

Keeping a growth mindset is crucial to remember in all your struggles. Keeping a growth mindset includes embracing failure as a tool to help you succeed, keeping an open mind to new ideas, having grit and understanding that it takes time to develop new skills. What is grit you may ask? Our teacher, Ms. Willemse showed fine video of a cat who showed grit to get into his hammock. Timo the Cat Showing Grit! As you can see from the video, grit the ability to keep doing something you’re passionate about, even though you may be having struggles.

Growth Mindset Selfie

For the final part of this project, our goal was to create a growth mindset selfie, which was a selfie of ourselves, along with a growth mindset long-term goal. Why it was selfie, I’m not entirely sure, but the class kinda just rolled with it. To get a goal approved, we had to show a little grit of our own. We would keep putting drafts of the goal in Showbie and our teacher would critique it until it was perfect. Here is the final selfie, with the quote that was approved. 

To end off this blog post, I’d like to insert just a few growth mindset memes, handcrafted my me. Please ignore the “made with mematic” watermark, I am not about to pay more to have better memes. Always remember to keep a growth mindset in everything you do. It’s always crucial on the path to success. Along with the memes I created, I wanted to include the song, “Try Everything” from Zootopia, as I thought it really shows a growth mindset well.

saraj • March 31, 2021

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