For our first project with Mr Gross in science was to track our screen time over the course of a week.
Communicating and Representing
In the grey graph, you can see that 45% of my time is on a screen. In the green graph, I found out that about two thirds of my time is spent on entertainment. That is over 40 hours a week, or almost 25%. After I found this out, I decided to use more of my time doing productive things, rather than watching Netflix and playing games. In the blue graph, I found out that the device I use the most is my iPad, at almost two thirds. I think that it is so high because I like to use my iPad for background noise. I get bored easily when its silent so I like to listen to my iPad in the background while I do something else. I don’t listen to music like most people. I listen to YouTube videos and Netflix. I also thought that my screen time on my computer would be higher. I don’t really have a comment about what days I used screen time the most, it was pretty consistent throughout the week.
Understanding and Solving
I think I did well on this project, apart from the fact that my oral presentation was about 30 seconds long. I had planned out more to say in my head but when I went up in front of the class, I completely forgot what I was going to say. I had some good feelings about the Pie Charts and Apple’s Numbers app. I liked it because there are lots of ways to customize your spreadsheets and charts, and because I think it’s really cool that you can program your spreadsheet. One place that was challenging was adding data to the charts because sometimes the spreadsheet would combine parts of the data together and give it a name that you can’t change.
Applying and Innovating
During this project we did some worksheets and 2 quizzes on fractions. I think that I was able to help my classmates with these by giving them advice on the worksheets. I would say that I used my class time well.
Overall, I think that I want to increase the amount of exercise and the amount of time I am using  my  screen  time  to  do  something  more  productive.