Thought 40: Documentary Film 🎥

Thought 40: Documentary Film 🎥

How can I engage and entertain an audience using my video and storytelling my skills?

For the last Maker project of the year, we expanded on our Vibrant Video project by making individual short documentaries.

For documentary, I chose to create a film about Climate Change. More specifically, why it is NOT too late to fix climate change. The first thing we did was create a log-line and a treatment. A log-line is a short description of your film, and a treatment is a more detailed one. I have included my log-line in the description of my YouTube video. Next, I began to do some research on my topic. I watched some YouTube videos and read some articles to gain data points for my video. I have compiled a list of my sources at the end of this blog post. Now that I knew what I was going to include in my video, I wrote a screenplay. A screenplay is similar to a script, and it includes notes explaining what the viewers will see. Then, I made a storyboard to visualize what each of those shots would look like. Only then, could I begin filming.

I did most of my filming in 3 locations: Near my house, near the school, and in Downtown Vancouver. Downtown was probably the most important of these locations. Me and my close friend Max Louie spent an afternoon walking around taking shots for our documentaries. We mostly filmed around the Stanley Park area, such as the Aquarium and the Totem Poles. The most important thing I filmed however, was my interview. I was able to interview Alison Wood, the Executive Director of Ocean Ambassadors. She was very friendly and gave me a lot of great information for my video. We filmed the interview near the front of the school. I was assisted by my good friend Zach Vietch for the filming of my interview.


The last step was post production. I edited my whole video using iMovie. Unfortunately, some of my voice recording where too long and I had to cut out a bit of them. I also created all the music myself using GarageBand. I don’t consider myself to be very musically gifted so I just downloaded an instrument pack and used a pre-made loop in my documentary.


Overall I am very impressed with my documentary. I believe that I was able to share my message in a way that is informative, entertaining, and reflects my creative interests.  

Final Documentary

Sources/Related YouTube Videos – Let’s Ban Cars (Seriously)! – Britmonkey – Stop Being a Climate Change Doomer – Britmonkey – Can YOU Fix Climate Change? – Kurzgesagt – We’re the Last Humans Left – exurb1a – We WILL Fix Climate Change – Kurzgesagt

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