Thought 42: 2022 Spring Exhibition
How do we make deeper connections beyond our classroom?
The final demonstration of our learning was at the annual Spring Exhibition. The Spring Exhibition takes place at the end of every year where PLP students take control of the whole school to demonstrate our learning through interactive experiences, food and beverages, skits, and more. The theme of this year’s exhibition was Impact: What makes a PLP Learner? The PLP 8 and 9 students collaborated to demonstrate the different stages of becoming PLP students. I was assigned to the “Beyond The Classroom” stage, where we exhibited our learning outside of the school.
The main thing we focused on in our room was Loon Lake, because it was the only field study we had been on. We decorated the room with fake trees we got from the drama room, and some giant plants someone took from the front of the school. Then, we had a few stations that demonstrated our learning. First, was our food. I made 100 serving of watered down orange juice, replicating the orange juice in the loon lake dining hall. Next, the grade 8s made tableaus representing the Battle Archery and Laser Tag at loon lake. I spent the beginning of the exhibition here. Next, I made a keynote presentation consisting of various photos from loon lake. Unfortunately, due I couldn’t use only the photos I took because they would “confuse people” and “embarrass our group” so I let other people add photos. After the slide show, we had 3 iPads on a table playing a compilation video I made of the interviews from our documentaries. I spent most of the night standing here and explaining the interviews to the guests. Lastly, we had a feedback station where guests could write feedback on pieces of paper and post them on a bulletin board.
Based on the feedback I saw at the bulletin board, people really liked our exhibition for the most part. I saw many disgusted reactions to my “orange juice.” One kid nearly cried, Several of my teachers considered lowering my grades, and as far as I know, 1 person has vomited because of my liquid. Overall, I would say that I made an accurate replica of the Loon Lake orange juice. I would say that I enjoyed this exhibition more than last year’s, because last year I was in charge of signing people in and sitting outside in the heat for 4 hours.
To answer the driving question, we make deeper connections beyond the classroom through authentic experiences, student agency, and team work. We made sure that all aspects of our exhibition reflected these concepts.
Group Members