Thought 52: Marketing You 👨🏾💼
For our second PGP “project”, we focused on all the ways we can market ourselves to employers.
PGP stands for Person Growth Plan, and part of that includes employability. From here on out, PGP is about career life choices. This section of PGP I am writing about isn’t really a project, but more of a series of related assignments.
The first thing we did was the thing all employed people have: A Resume. I actually managed to get a job without a resume, so I was creating my first draft of my resume. We learned about all the necessary details to include and how to layout a resume. We made practice resumes on paper in groups to give us and idea, so our group made our resume for the closest thing our school has to a cult leader, Dancer, Fitness Influencer, and Musician, Dallas Grey.
Unfortunately, I don’t have a picture of our resume, so you will just have to imagine. We also had to take headshot pictures to include on our resumes, so Zach, Max, Declan, and I had a photoshoot outside to get our photos and they were quite goofy 😄. I decided not to include my resume in this blog post because it has some of my personal information I didn’t want to give out.
Our next assignment was to create a business card. Mr Harris allowed us to create 2 business cards: a silly one, and a serious one. Each would have 2 sides, but I only submitted the back side of my silly card because the front has my home address and multiple individuals tried to send people to my house. The process of making business cards was very similar to resumes. Both required a mix of aesthetics and readability with important information.
The third assignment was to create a professional email template. This one wasn’t very interesting, and I have sent professional emails before, so I just copied the main things I use in them already.
The last thing we did was put it all together in a mock interview. Me and Max Louie partnered up for this assignment. We created questions and responses, came to school dressed appropriately, and filmed our interview. I can say that this is probably the most absurd video I have made for PLP. It features strange editing with weird sound effects and sped up moments. I feel like this could be a scene in the strangest and most uncomfortable comedy movie ever. Despite this, the actual interview went alright. We could have spent more time working on making our questions and answers better, but I think it turned out decent.
Overall, I am genuinely happy with the products I made for this project because I can use these in the real world and have an impact on my life. I really enjoyed the graphic design parts with the resume and business cards, and I liked the interview process.