💭1️⃣1️⃣: Emoji Story

For the 7th day of the SBC, we had the opportunity to create a short story using emoji prompts. Here are my emojis: 🎦🚍😎🙉🚽💃 Here is the story I wrote using my prompts Once upon a time there was a famous movie star. His name was Akool Geye. He was hired to make the next […]

Thought 8: How Do Computers Work?

How Do Computers Work? If you are like me, you might be interested in technology. If you are like me, you might not know how computers work. Luckily, this post is for you. This is a guide on how computers work.   Basics A computer has 8 standard parts. CPU (processor), Motherboard, RAM (memory), GPU […]

Thought 6: Tectonic Chances 🗺

Thought 6: Tectonic Chances Ben’s Blog Answer to Driving Question Question: How are thematic and mathematical elements used in game design Answer: Mathematics are very important to game design. For example, Our game supports up to 6 players. To win, you must get 12 Progress Points. It is possible for every player to win so […]