JIBC Open House


Widely acknowledged as Canada’s leading public safety educator, the Justice Institute of BC is a public post-secondary institution that offers innovative education and training in the fields of policing, firefighting, paramedicine, corrections, emergency management, leadership, conflict resolution and other related disciplines.

WHEN: Friday, February 27th 10:00am -2:00pm.
WHERE: 715 McBride Boulevard
New Westminster, BC V3L 5T4
Posted by Ms Neeru Parmar nparmar@sd44.ca

VANART Media Art Boot Camp


brdcasting boot camp

VanArts is offering a one week Bootcamp from March 2 – 6, 2015 for career exploration and training. There are two camps to choose from: Broadcasting for Radio & Television For students who want to experience working in a radio station or TV station as a broadcaster, students spend 5 days in a real studio environment and learn what it takes to be a real broadcaster in music, news and sports. Acting for Film & Television For students who have aspirations of being a professional actor for film & television, this is a great way to learn about the lifestyle of this industry, for 5 full days on a film shoot with a professional filmmaker!  Register here: http://www.vanarts.com/sites/default/files/part-time/2015_BootCamp_ApplicationForm.pdf
Application deadline is Friday, February 13, 2015.
If you apply, please let Ms. Parmar know !
Posted by Ms Neeru Parmar nparmar@sd44.ca