If I Could Go Back In Time What Would I Give Myself?

For the past little while in PGP we have been working on the 7 habits. through out the year we have been working on techniques and strategies to help us better organize and get our homework done and keep the rest… Continue Reading →

Same, Same But Different

welcome back to another fantastic blog post this one is about Rosa Parks and Colin Kaepernick these two have interested me more and more the I researched them. I believe when Rosa Parks didn’t give up her seat and Colin… Continue Reading →

Winter Exhibition Again!

The winter exhibition is back and better then ever this time it will blow your socks off!! In this years exhibition we did a walkthrough of what it might of been like to live in the 1950s, but it wasn’t… Continue Reading →

Mpols 2019

And were back again, welcome back to the PLP news station, nah this is my Mpol blog woooooo. this year I’m going to be focus on my work ethics/habits and things I did well and things I did not so… Continue Reading →

How To Spot A Mountain Biker

How To Spot A Mountain Biker. The reason  we are talking about how you can spot a mountain biker is because we have been reading act one so far of four acts of the play calledThe Crucible. It’s set in… Continue Reading →

The Behind The Scenes of the Manhattan Project² (field school)

This time on our field school we were headed to the hanford site, which was a crucial place of making 2 atomic bombs in the 1940s. The reason we were headed on the trip was to learn about the Manhattan… Continue Reading →

The Manhattan Project²

Hello, and welcome back to my blog it has been awhile. This time on the blog we will be talking about a project that is pretty amazing. We first got introduced to this project when are teacher brought up the… Continue Reading →

LOFT Debate!!!

hello welcome back. For the past little bit are class has been working on a debate, we got split into three groups my group was the smallest group we had Alex, Isobel, Kate and me but unfortunately Kate had to… Continue Reading →

End Of The Year TPol

Hello, Welcome to the end of the year tpol obviously you know me, I’m  Simon. This year in PLP we have accomplished many different things starting the year with our trip to Califonia Trip.  We continued through the year with focus on… Continue Reading →

What Job Shadow?

This time on Simon’s blogs we are doing a job shadow. I had the opportunity to be a cinematographer for a day and it was one of the funnest things I have everyone done. I decided to do my job… Continue Reading →

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