Hi I’m back

so I teacher  miss  so-and-so made us decide on the question about the steam punk aesthetic and my question was, what makes the aesthetic of having all the guts out stronger than having paneling over it, I did test this by making my own steam punk wall out of wood and wires and stuff first I made one with all the guts showing without the panel and then I shot with a paintball gun  then I made one with paneling and I shot it to but I forgot to video it.

But overall I think the one with paneling would be safer if it was in a war but the one without paneling just makes it look cool and depends what is really is showing right so if something like wires are showing it doesn’t really matter because it’s just wires but say it is a battery or a circuitboard or like an  exhaust pipes or steam pipes then it will probably puncture and make this machine not be functional.  That’s why if you have paneling it’ll keep your matching safe so you could win the war if you’re in a war and protect the people around you and protect yourself at least that’s what I think

img_1400 img_1401But as you can see some happily and some dumb it it just really depends on what it is and what it’s purpose is for  the end bye