You are what you eat….

So in reflecting on this project to think about how what I eat can reflect who I am as a person was an interesting exercise. It’s hard to eat healthy. Bad food tastes good and often can have additives in it that make me want to eat even more. My mom spends a lot of time talking about healthy eating and trying to get us top eat more protein and vegetables vs foods full of sugar. When I was younger, I had a really hard time concentrating and sitting still. After I while it became clear this had a lot to do with the food that I was allowed to eat. My mom stopped giving me foods with unnatural coloring, or additives such as aspartame or meat with hormones. Even now if she sees a “glowing” food, she does not want me to eat it. Eating foods with a lot of sugar also affect people’s energy level and attention spans. These can also have a very negative affect on their weight and other medical factors such as diabetes which runs in my family. Me. I try to eat the best I can, but I think it forces me to challenge myself to find balance. Even though I might be finding balance in food, this can also show my ability to find balance in other parts of my life too.
There is a lot of talking today about the future security of food sources and how we will get them in the future. There are many reasons for this including a lack of interest in the farming culture as well as access to farmland. Climate change is causing the temperature to rise. This can cause bad weather conditions affecting farming but is also raising the temperatures of the oceans which can affect seafood too. We also do not have enough water. We can feel this now at home when our watering times are limited There is also a lot of food waste during production or from retail sources.
What about the bees? Because of the increased use of pesticides many bees have died. This will have a huge effect on farming and food production because it has cut back the pollinators. Think back to when we used to see so many, now we see hardly any. More and more people are landscaping their yards and using bark mulch not realizing how this actually kills the bees.
So you can see there are way too many things affecting our food. Right now it is easy to just walk to my cupboard. There is always something to eat, but I have to commit to my part in not wasting food, helping the bee population and eating healthier. But what is easy today may be tough later.