Work Safe BC

So for most grade 10s at around this age, we all start to enter the workforce, maybe working a summer job or maybe through the winter as well I stated working at Canadian Tire about a week before we started talking about workplace safety But this planning section is a lot about safety at the workplace.

We started out the unit by taking a quiz about our pre-existing work experience. But, since I have a job now I had to answer all of the quiz questions. After the quiz, we moved onto watching a video about youth workers and how inexperience and improper training can change and ruin their lives. The video gave the harsh reality of how dangerous a workplace can be, and it made me think how one mistake can change a person’s life forever.

After watching the video and reflecting on how I can make sure I can stay safe the class moved onto reading and researching about the rules and regulations between the job, the employer, and the employe. Then we were asked to create a piece of media that complements our own learning from the unit. I decided to do a Funny workplace safety photo ad

And that was work place safety 101