So we just got back from a long summer, short time tho but anyways I have 3 goals that I am going to shar with you my goals consist of apps, guitar and asking for thing. Those will be the topics for my 3 goals


Just in case you couldn’t hear me for some reason here is what I said, My character smart goal is to ask teachers for help more this will be measurable by how much I actually ask for help this is obtainable because when I need help I can just put up my hand and ask for it this relevant because if you don’t ask for help you Arne not going to get it and you will most likely fail.

My in school smart goal is to make sure I learn to organize my pages app and other like it so when I’m handing things in I don’t accidentally hand in the wrong one this will be measurable on how much I actually rename my document and read through them this is obtainable because when I need a certain documents I will find it this is relevant because if you don’t hand in the right assignments you’re most likely forget to hand in the right.

My Out of school smart goal is to learn to play the guitar is will be measurable on how much I actually play the guitar and practice this will be obtainable because as long as you’re practising he will gradually get better and better this will be relevant to make it so I learn to be play the guitar the way I want to.

And those were my 3 smart goals of this year.