Hello, merry Christmas to all on my blog. This post will bee about most of the thing we have done this term such as some of the lessons we have leared, like some books, podcast and interviews for the podcasts. In are clas we started by reading a book called “The Right to br Cold” it was very interesting but it was very bad her is some of my feed back I gave:

Response #1

What if The Right to be Cold isn’t true, that would be pretty tough to hear because many people would be pretty mad. My latest thought about this is she talks to much about herself and her circumstances and how people’s irresponsibility If causing a negative effect to her homeland. I found that shes needs to get on with the point as to why she feels she has the right to ask expect people to stop doing the things that are impacting her. This reminds me of a sketch artist at the police station because like them, she goes into much more detail for some reason than needed. In The Right to be Cold, she did such as talking about a Mickey Mouse sweater that she had when she was younger and I don’t think we need to know that. I think that when she really gets into a her story, it will become really intense and hard to put down. I have found when reading other books some times it can take a few chapter to build interest and intensity to make someone want to read more of the story. Once, I found a very old book store and purchase$ a book I think the book was written in 1887. It was interesting and a good read but book was like 2000 pages long and went into way to much detail for my liking. I already know since I’m a younger kid this makes it quite hard to get into a political book like The Right to be Cold but I have found it interesting so far and that’s a plus. I am curious about all of the different things people do in today’s world that cause climate change and what we can do to slow it down.

Response #2

This weeks Response is going to be good, I finally thought this book started to become interesting. I liked how they started talking about real problems in the story such as pops etc. I also think that for the chapters I have read it was still pretty much talking about herself, until the end where they stated talking about the many problems they have. When she is talking about herself it really wants to make me fall asleep, and by the way I’m just being honest. Reading this book makes me feel that maybe she doesn’t actually have The Right to be Cold, I mean she barely brings it up and when she does it’s for a brief moment. I mean for all I know I could not be seeing the bigger picture it could just be me after all this time I’m just not getting the book.

Responce #3

Finally!!! In these chapter she finally starts talking about the subject of the book it only to half the book till she touched on it. If you didn’t know “the right to be cold” is referring to the right to stop climate change and this book follows Sheila Wattcloutier’s fight for that. In these chapter she started to explain how she traveled around try to convince political leaders to take a stance agents climate change and to get people more passionate. To convince people she uses by “appeal(ing) to their heart”(cp 6). There a problem in that though for me because of how I take in info in. I personally get much more confidence by fact not story’s and I think most people now a days are the same because we hear about these stories daily with stuff like social media. I feel like part of the reason for her thing to use emotional stories is because she is so close to this. She wants people to know her struggles. But saying this I all I’m only one person and I’m not the same as everyone else and there are people that will be effected by this because her stories.

and that’s what I thought of the book obviously i didn’t like it but it was interesting.

Next we started working on some of the podcast as group! My group was probably the best we had Mimi, Izzy, Calum and of course Me.

we worked on the project for at least 2 weeks and I half to say by far my favourite project.  Here it is

And if you would like to see how we made we even have a behind the scenes

And that was are enviromental podcast on the kinder Morgan pipline and that risks that come with it thanks for reading this long blog. Simon over and out.