Simon Devisser

The question? How am I going to progress as as learner by the end of the school year?

The best way I feel that I am going to progress as a learner this year is put more effort into my homework ahead of doing fun things.  I believe
I am both a visual and tactical learner.  I physically have to do an experiment in science to clearly understand the way it works. As for my work ethic, I am a very hard worker and driven on topics I like, otherwise the majority of the time I put in minimal effort to get things done. I more accountable when i am working within a team on projects  as I tend to work harder when more people are relying on me.

My work habits are not the greatest, I rarely prioritize my accountabilities and focus more on doing things I want to do such as Skiingor working on my truck.  I am an “A1” procrastinater. Spending way too much time leaving things to the last minute or never getting it done, even when I stay up till 1 AM working on it.

Math-Trigonometry Project
• This  project  was assigned when I was away on vacation for a family event.  When I got back I did not follow up on what was necessary to complete this project so I never actually finished it until it was a week past the due date.
• I also had no idea how to do the math until I had to ask my parents for help and I did not follow the recommendation to look back and watch the assigned videos.
•  I didn’t ask for help even though I had no idea what to do.  I should have but I didn’t, instead I asked my friends vs Mr. Gross which was probably not the best of choices but what I always fall back on.
•  i thought I could get away with putting as little effort into the project by using a pre-build Lego house which I built with instruction sheet putting very little math into it.

DNA and Genetics Podcast
•  The reason I tried so hard on this topic was because I was very interested in it. Even though it was a team effort  majority of the hard work creating the podcast was done by me.
• When thinking about DNA genetics I really understand it. I feel it makes things more interesting and makes me think more about life around us.

WW1 Video
•  when filming this project I had many good ideas on how we would do the first draft. We came up with the idea when we were sitting in the truck I just bought and pretending to drive while telling a story about World War 1
• We didn’t had many different props except our clothes and that’s pretty much it. The idea was to present  like talk show host.
• Doing this project I worked with a friend that had very similar ideas to what I was thinking so we worked together really well on it.
• when working on this project we were driven by each other‘s energy and made the video as best as we possibly could.

Family Podcast
•.  When doing this family podcast I had so much fun learning about my grandpa and his history of when he lived in Holland.
• It was nice for us to reminisce about my grandma who died last year
•  when he was telling me some stories that he did when he was in Holland I started to understand the challenges he faced when he was young to come to Canada.  When he came to Canada with his parents our names changed from de Visser to Devisser.
•it was more interesting because it was cool to learn about him and see the light and happiness in his eyes

Revision, Teamwork, Responsibility and Production of Quality of Work
Example: Environmental Podcast.
• Working on the environmental project we took so many peoples feedback’s and revised the project almost 4 times and each time getting better and better.
•  I just got a job when this project first started so I had a lot of shifts and I couldn’t always go to our team meetings so what they would do was text me and I would complete my part after work when I got home and made sure that I’m did not let them down.
– I would say I am most consistent in a team environment. I feel accountable and know there are people who need and motivate me to get things done
– I need to prioritize what my responsibilities are against “fun”

Opportunities for improvement

1. Stay on top of assignments

2. Initial draft in by due date

3.  Review before submission

4.  Planning ideas early

5.  Get revisions done in 48 hours

6.  Encourage others to try new things

7.  Put effort into things I like least

Hope you enjoyed the SLC thanks for listening.