
Example on how sick my drawings are

So yah been a while been doing some crazy stuff lately. Just figured out  that I half to write about it so I’m going to get on that and it first started off by signing up for somthing in my class and thinking fine arts means was drawing but it was acting so I was freaking out a lot like crazy so I decided to role with it. Well let’s just say I didn’t work as planned but we still got it done so all of the groups had different sections I had fine arts some had a science aspect and there was a few more but I am not going to write them out. Me and my group is freaking out because a lot of my people might leave for soccer so we decided to count them out so we kelp working and thinking of puns and funny fraises oh yah and by the way I will have the script in the bottom if you want to read it but let me continue. I was really frestrated with my group and then the regionals came up and we did good surprisingly got first in our instant challengeimage and I think third in our mane do play so that was great so that’s what I have been doing so yah talk to you in the next post.