Hey guys! You probably know that you can leave comments on blog posts (feel free to dabble in the comments section of this post). Here are my guidelines.1 It’s not about you. Here’s a bad example. “Hey guys. I’m Simon. Don’t pay attention to this blog and check out mine at SIMON’Z blog.” Here’s a good example. “Hey person who wrote this blog post. Good job. If you don’t mind, I have a bit of feedback where you bla bla bla. Thanks! Bye!” Comments should be helpful, kind and supportive.2 Don’t stray from the topic and write random things. Don’t start talking about bread during a post about atoms.3 The final guideline for a good comment is “watch your profanity”. There’s no real need to go **** or **********. It’s just not respectful.


Hey guys! Today I’m going to dedicate this entire blog post to HTMLing. HTML is Italics, bold and a link. You can use a keyboard to do so, but I don’t have one. There are a couple buttons when making a post that are B and I. For the link, I just copied that from pages.


Hey guys! Today I will give you basic instructions on how to comment. I will also include a couple photos. So. When you go onto a blog, say, Jakub’s blog, you can see that there might be a little thing that says “Julienk on I like bread”. You can click on that to go to the comments section. Normally, you might see something that says “2 comments on I like bread”. You can also click on that to access the comments.Anyways, that’s all for today. Make sure to check ou Jakub’s blog, it’s awesome. That’s all for today. Bye!