Hey guys!
Who likes photos? I like photos. I like taking photos, even though my photos are never that good. I also like some of the websites out there which are purely for uploading your own pictures and to get compliments or feedback. But have you ever been looking at pictures for a project then came across one that said shutterstock and their was a little camera icon spread across the front? Well that was a copyrighted image. If you tried to copy it into your document, instead of an image, there would be a link? I’ll put the online definition up above. But here’s my definition.
Copyright is simply this : it is a right held by an owner of an image or other thing that means that only this owner or a select individual that has been given the right to use it, only the author can use it. So in short, it’s a rule that says ONLY I CAN USE IT UNLESS I GIVE YOU THE RIGHT.
Copyright can be tricky and can get in your way. That’s why it’s important to show you that you can modify your search engine to only find non-copyrighted images. It’s true!
Another way to avoid copyright is to modify a picture. For example, you open the picture to SketchesPro and you can draw the outline and fill it in to make it your own picture. Another way is adobe photoshop fix/mix and ps express.The picture down below is a picture that I made. It is not copyrighted, since I didn’t say that only I have the right to use it.
Definition of copyright
the exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the same.
About photos and copyright “week 3”
Hey guys!
Who likes photos? I like photos. I like taking photos, even though my photos are never that good. I also like some of the websites out there which are purely for uploading your own pictures and to get compliments or feedback. But have you ever been looking at pictures for a project then came across one that said shutterstock and their was a little camera icon spread across the front? Well that was a copyrighted image. If you tried to copy it into your document, instead of an image, there would be a link? I’ll put the online definition up above. But here’s my definition.
Copyright is simply this : it is a right held by an owner of an image or other thing that means that only this owner or a select individual that has been given the right to use it, only the author can use it. So in short, it’s a rule that says ONLY I CAN USE IT UNLESS I GIVE YOU THE RIGHT.
Copyright can be tricky and can get in your way. That’s why it’s important to show you that you can modify your search engine to only find non-copyrighted images. It’s true!
Another way to avoid copyright is to modify a picture. For example, you open the picture to SketchesPro and you can draw the outline and fill it in to make it your own picture. Another way is adobe photoshop fix/mix and ps express.The picture down below is a picture that I made. It is not copyrighted, since I didn’t say that only I have the right to use it.
Hi! Im Simon. I’m a lucky student In a program called PLP. This is a project based learning program where we get to uses these awesome virtual tools! I’m super excited to show all of you guys my blog and hope you enjoy it!
October 28, 2019
#pleaseleaveacomment, #studentbloggingchallenge