Star Wars

This past term my class has been working on Star Wars projects and assignments. But through the month of December we dove into a bigger project about what ever we wanted as long as it was in the field of Star Wars. This Project was called the Star Wars mini blue ski project. We do a project like this at the end of the year called the Blue Sky project, the only difference is we can do it on any subject. To create our project, we had to have a driving question that could relate to what we were thinking about doing for this project. I personally have only seen 3 Star W


ars movies therefore I didn’t know a lot about Star Wars so out of the movies I’ve seen I thought of an idea to do stop motion.

Now for my project my first question I came up with was “Can I make a stop motion of the millennium falcon?” But I thought that question was not good enough so after thinking about this question for sometime I came up with…”Can I make a stop motion of the millennium falcon that could be put into one of the Star Wars movies?” I think this question was a lot better as now I had a goal to make it as good as the one that was made by professionals.

Anyway I had my question so I now had to make the stop motion but how? Well first I did research on how to film stop motion and how the people who made it for Star Wars made their stop motion. I found out that they used a model that was really big and they had a lot of professional equipment to move these models. Well I couldn’t set this large size up so I bought a mini toy model at the store and borrowed a little portable green screen system and began to film. Ok it was not that hard. I had a good camera and just kept taking new pictures as I moved the little model slightly forward by a few mm, then I dow downloaded them to iMovie. I was very excited that it was almost done, I watched it and… Noooooo! It was way to slow and no other free programs for stop motion was working. So after this problem I decided to scratch the photos I took on the camera and retake all the photos on my iPad, as I found a cheap program called istopmotion. Again I took all the photos by moving the little model forward a little bit at a time. I was finished taking the pictures and was ready to add a space background but I couldn’t in this app so I had to import it into iMovie again to add green screen and also sound affects.


One of the pictures out of around 200
photos that was taken to make the final product.
After this very long and tiresome project, I am happy with the results as the hardest thing to do was to move the model forward in a straight line. If you want to see the video I made to show the process it took to make this video in more depth.Here is the link.

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