Science safety video

Throughout these past few weeks our science class has been going over safety in the classroom as well as introducing units and what we will be learning during this year. Since class started our days have been very planned out which I like as it keeps me very organized and on track of the work that has to be done.

Our first assignment we were given was creating a video project to explain different scenarios and what not to do in a lab. But before I explain the project I’m going to talk about a couple of mini assignments we did leading up to this to give us an idea about what to do and what not to do in a lab. One of the assignments we did was we were given a picture of a lab with a bunch of people doing unsafe things in a lab and we had to label what we thought they were doing wrong.

Here are our responses and the picture of the lab:

After learning what wasn’t safe in a lab we then went onto learn what to do in case a situation like this happened such as if you catch on fire you have to use a fire blanket. Here is a sheet of the right things to do in case you are in one of these situations in a lab:

After complete these little assignments we then went onto creating our safety video project using curtain criteria including having at least 3 different lab scenarios as well as having different camera angles and good lighting. Here is the criteria checklist with a bunch of other criteria:

My group for this project included Mimi, Izzy and Isobel.

After getting the project debrief we started planing our scenes and creating characters to get ready to film. We came up with multiple different scenarios but stuck to three bigger ones with smaller scenarios still including in the video. These three scenarios included mixing unknown chemicals, not wearing the proper safety equipment as well as plugging a wet cord into an electrical socket. When we came up with the ideas we then started filming and added a lot of special effects including exploration and different sound effects to add to scenes making them more fun and entertaining to watch. We did final edits and this is our safety video we created:

After creating the video we then showed it to the class and got feedback on our work. Most of the feedback included having a little better lighting as well having different camera angles throughout the video to make it more engaging. If we were to create another draft we would use this feedback and make our video better by maybe recording a couple of our scenes again. For the overall project here is the feedback we got from our teacher:

Overall I very proud of this project as my hole group put a lot of work into this video as well as we worked very well together using our class time both efficiently and effectively. I also think this was a fun way to teach us what to do and not to do in a lab.


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