Namesake Video

Recently in class we have been learning about the history of Canada between the 1920s and 1930s known as the interwar year. As you might already know my last blog post was about World War One and since then we have started lo learn about these interwar years and the effects they had on Canada.

One of the things we have been learning about is Vancouver’s development as a city and the history behind some areas and streets. To do this we did a mini group assignment where we had to create a short 1 to 3 minute video explaining the history of a certain area in Vancouver. To get inspiration for our video project, as a class we watched a quick video about the history of Granville street:

After watching the video, each of the groups decided on an area which they wanted to make the video about. For my group we came up with a couple ideas of places but decided on a alley in Gastown called Blood alley which seemed like a very interesting topic with a cool history. To make this video we got some criteria that we had to follow including having a title slide, the location shown on a map, a description of the area, the history of this area, a couple of myths or facts, and a bibliography of all pictures, videos and websites we used.

Visual made by one of my group members

To create this video we started off by doing some research blood alley and actually found some pretty interesting information about its history. Such as the myths that go with this alley about executions and slaughters that didn’t actually happen and were used to make the history sound more interesting and attract more people to this location.

We then went onto writing the script as well as I went downtown to shoot footage for our video. After we were all prepared, we each individually recorded our parts of the script, then edited it together with the videos on iMovie. We also created music on Garage Band. After all our hard work here is our first draft:

Once we completed our first draft we then showed it to the class for feedback and critique from our peers and our teacher. I think it was pretty cool to see everyone else’s videos about different locations such as Robson Street or Stanley park. The feedback we got included to edit our audio and change some of the images in our video. For our second draft we changed some of the images but didn’t end up changing the audio which we definitely could’ve done.

Here is our second draft:

After creating our second draft we then had to make a bibliography for all the photos, websites and videos we used with mla formating

I think that looking back on this assignment I would have probably taken more of the feedback to our editing for the second draft but overall I am proud of the final result and the work my group but into this video. I really enjoyed this mini project and learned a lot about Vancouver’s history in a hands on kind of way which is really fun, I hope our upcoming assignment will be a similar kind of video or podcast project, as this was a cool project.



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