It’s getting close to the end of the year and the time for the “celebration” of the end of the year. This year I met some new friends and and teachers, but most importantly I met PLP. The first few days I wasn’t really used to everything that was on PLP, from using iPads all day to the amount of homework to do. Just a few months ago we did our mPOL and I think I completely failed in.

Getting Proud
Just like other student in PLP I get really proud of myself when I get a rainbow, which in PLP it really mean A++, AKA the best mark you could possibly get. I had some rainbows but, of my work completed this year, I’m most proud of was DI. This year, I did my first DI and it was not as bad as I thought. Although my group—Erin, Logan, Dries, Josh—didn’t not win the regionals, but comparing to other groups in our class we had the highest score, which made us more proud of ourself. I was also glad that everyone enjoyed our story, although we did have to make some changes in our props.
Enjoyed project
DI was fun and excited, but most of the time we didn’t know what to do since it was first time, so as time went by DI got pretty stressful, but I would still consider it one of the fun projects. Choosing the project I enjoyed the most wasn’t as hard as it would be now comparing months ago, and as I’m writing this post I thought of two different projects that I really liked. Since my favourite subject is Art (also because I’m good at it) it would be “The Power of A Pencil” but I also Really enjoyed “Knocking on Heaven’s Door” because we got to travel to different religious buildings. When I looked back at my first mPOL I saw that I have already did “The Power of a Pencil” as my favourite project in my mPOL so it leaves me with “knocking on Heaven’s Door”.
Valuable lessons
This year went by very fast sometimes I couldn’t even keep up, but as time pass I got used to it and I learned some valuable things along the way. I learn that teamwork is more important in PLP than in any other programs, like our DI group for example, some teammates might not like each other in the beginning, but as the project progresses we get along with one another. There will be no way that we would have ever succeeded if we never worked together.

I wanted to share all the projects That has good grade with my family, but just recently we started a project called “A Sustainable Blue Sky” where I came up with the idea of helping my country’s economy grow even if I’m just a student. After I finish that project I will definitely post the poster I will be making in the internet and maybe I could help the country’s economy with that poster.

As the last week of my first year go by I still recall when I first came to this wonderful school, going to my very first class—scimatics (science and math combined)—there I learn how to add and subtract unlike faction, how to get the density of something, how to get the surface area and the volume of a share and more, going to maker—which eventually became my favourite PLP course—learning how use the Apple Pencil better, doing my first exhibition and DI. Then going to humanities learning the best way to make an ad, studying about religions. Well my point is I learned a lot in just one year!

Thank you
At the end I wanted to say thank you to my teachers, I wasn’t the best student and I don’t have very good grades, but they always helped me when I’m stuck with problems, because of them my grades improving which to me is a huge success.