Our Quilt Project

Here are the steps our group completed to plan and create our story for our quilt. I had Claire, Sam and Alex in my group. We worked well together and made a good story.

Quilt Civilization Initial Group Planning
The Overview Group Organizer helped our group plan and identify our civilization. We had to decide things like who, what when, where and why. We brainstormed many ideas. Coming up with the ideas wasn’t hard but deciding the best ones to use was harder. I helped come up with ideas like the location close to Hawaii because I was there recently and it seemed like a good spot. The group planning also helped us determine the worldview of the civilization. For example we decided how they would view things like human nature and the good life. Then we picked artifacts to represent their views like there is a painting about helping people even for nothing in return.

Quilt Civilization Hero Group planning
We decided who our ideal hero would be including his qualities and his journey which was important to writing the story. It starts with the hero’s call to adventure from the ordinary world. He faces challenges and overcomes them and is rewarded. Then he returns to his ordinary world to make things better and everything gets resolved. We discussed these questions as a group again. The Ideal Hero Note Organizer was a big help in understanding the steps and organizing our ideas. We all had a similar role by contributing and supporting each other’s ideas. We made good progress.

Quilt Civilization And Hero Group Storyboard
By completing the Quilt civilization and Hero Group Storyboard we brought together our Civilization’s worldview and our Hero’s journey. We carried on our group brainstorming process. We started by summarizing the Exposition about the war between our civilization and another one with a different worldview. I talked about the rising action where the hero must go past enemy soldiers to the enemy castle. The climax occurs when the enemy king is killed. When our hero returns, he is thanked and they make changes to avoid a future war. The storyboard helped because it provided a visual to follow. We had to make storyline choices that could be presented visually for the quilt.

Quilt Civilization And Hero Group Final Planning
Now we were ready to start planning our own quilt square. First we met as a group to fill out the first column of the Civilization and Hero Group Storyboard. We each were assigned a block and for each one we described the events. We had to work together to make sure the story flowed. I had the first block. Then we showed it to our teacher.
Then we had to start working on our own quilt square. I had to decide what symbols would best describe that part of the story. I drew a draft on Paper53 and then our group came back together to review our work and see if we all agreed which we did.
These are the choices I made: I first drew a picture of the world like a globe to represent the worldview. I drew two castles on top of the world on opposite sides. They represented the power of the two fighting Civilizations. Between the castles is a large silver sword with a very sharp blade. It represents the fighting between the Civilizations and the hero’s sword who kills the enemy king. I chose very bright, rich colours to represent the beauty in the world and the richness of the Civilizations. Later I added stars to make it look more detailed.

I liked to do this project because it was inclusive and it really made me think. I like that kind of thinking because you get to know your classmates very well. I thought everyone worked well together. I also learned a lot more about how stories are put together. It was also useful to learn to quilt/ sew because that is a life skill. I think that it is cool that the teacher put sewing together with story writing and iPads for a project. I wouldn’t have thought of that and I give full credit to our teacher. I like when we got to make our own hero because it was like creating a person and we got to take into consideration the good things and bad things about people and many other qualities I hadn’t thought of before.









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