mass effect


The beginning of my journey as I boarded the Normandy ship.
Straight to my first mission on Eden Prime,
to find that Saren betrayed me on my trip.
I went to the council to expose his crime.
They didn’t believe me because of his spectre rank,
so I went to find proof of my own.
After driving around in what looked like a space tank,
I found out that a race known as the Reapers promise him a throne.
While he thought they were partners the Reapers slowly took over his mind,
and changed him from the inside.
When I faced him I had no idea what I would find,
and when I found that he was gone I shot him until he was fried.
The threat still remained of a future reaper attack,
But I will never stand back.

If you are interested in the videogames that I based this sonet
On here is the trailer for mass effect 2