Taming the Beast known as the Synthesis Essay

I did not choose this essay. This essay chose me. I did not want this essay. This essay wanted me. So I’m stuck with it.

It was the year 2015 and it seemed like a typical day at school, but little did I know that the bell for first block would mark the beginning of a new chapter in my life of essay writing. I new something was going to happen as soon as Ms. Willemse said “Open iTunesU, today we are working on the final project for your Chinese in Canada study.” I leaned over to the kid next to me and said “what is she going to do now? Give us another essay?” Then my fears came true because it turned out it was a essay! But thankfully we had some time to prepare.

After school I went straight to work on chipping away at my new humanities shackle (after a few hours of Fallout 4 of course). The first step to escape this weight on my shoulders was to make a venn diagram of the similarities between Jade Peony and Escape to Gold Mountain.
It was a difficult task but I was up to the challenge, and I found some interesting points of comparison.

The next step was to write out a outline about what we were going to write, getting important things like our thesis and our topic sentences.
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It wasn’t that bad except for finding quotes from the books for the meaning of the story which sucked as much as cleaning the dishes for a twenty person dinner party at 11:20 at night. After I finished writing the outline I came to school the next day with a smile on my face that told everyone that I actually finished the homework. That smile quickly faded away after Ms. Willemse said “ok you guys should have your outline done so start typing your final draft.

After the pain and tears of writing for hours finally finished my final draft. After weeks of planning, strategizing, and writing, I had finally defeated the beast.

So I handed it in and am still waiting for feedback, but I think it is pretty good. But the important thing was that I could finally rest. Unfortunately that rest didn’t last for long because… She assigned another day essay!!!