20,000 millimetres under the sea

It was another sunny, picture perfect day in Hawaii. My family and I had gone to the same place on the same island for the past 11 years and I loved it. It was nice to have a tropical getaway from the usual dreary Vancouver weather. But, not all days in paradise are perfect.
The day had started of fine. The sky was clear except for a few puffy clouds rolling across the vibrant blue backdrop. As it was so beautiful outside I decides to go tan on the beach for a bit. Only problem was it wasn’t a bit, It was two hours. When I woke up and came back to the room I was as red as a pimple.


In spite of that event my parents still wanted me to try a mysterious activity they signed my up for. Reluctant to get in the car they still found a way to convince me to go. As trees and bushes flew by I started to recognize where we were going. It was a small rocky beach that we had been snorkelling off of a few days prior. It was so murky that we couldn’t see anything from the surface. As we got out of the car I noticed a truck full of scuba equipment and some divers. I thought to myself “I wonder what they see down there?” Little did I know I would be joining them on their next dive.

I winced in pain as the rubber wetsuit snapped at my burning skin. When they put the tank of air on my back I felt as if I was giving a piggyback ride to a actual adult pig. As we started to swim off shore my curiosity grew larger and larger. Wondering “What is swimming under my feet?” Then my Instructor told me to hit the button to start descending down.

I opened my eyes and it was like I had been teleported to another world. My Instructor told me to start swimming and it felt like I was a superhero flying over alien city’s. I stopped at a coral reef to look at some fish and saw a eel poke out it’s head. I would Later find out that that was one of the rarest eels in the world to see. As I started swimming again I noticed a turtle wingman by my side. He stayed by me for a while before gliding off to do his own thing. What welt like minutes was really hours and unfortunately my Instructor told me we had to head back.

Well I took of my equipment and dried off, I saw my parents talking to my Instructor. As they came back I eagerly asked about what she said about me. “She said it would be a crime not to have you certified