A sad Day For a The People of Halifax

Wow, after seeing myself in this video I might want to change career paths. I can become a professional news reporter, just like Ron Burgundy. Although, I don’t know if I can pull off the moustache.

In all seriousness I did enjoy this project. It was interesting topic and I always find working with the green screen fun. It was originally just going to be me, Luc, and Stan, but we were talking about how we would edit the green screen and Matt said he could do it. So, the three musketeers became the four musketeers. We filmed on Thursday so that we had all the footage to edit over the weekend. I was originally going to edit but I don’t know the green screen as well as Matt does so it is better that he was able to do it. Well, I should stop around here and let you guy’s get to the movie. Most of you are probably going to skim read this anyway so why make it longer.



Secret link part 3