SLC In Disguise

People say that grade 12 isn’t that bad. But from what I’ve heard I’d disagree. You have an English Exam, university applications, and grad trans. Not to mention the sinking feeling of thinking about your post grad life. But what ever it is, good or bad, hard or easy, there’s no stoping it. So I may as well embrace the storm.

Now I know it isn’t a popular opinion but I enjoy The MacBeth Project well we were doing it. Sure there was drama but that was because people wanted to make it good. I also know that we all learned and grew in one way or another. I personally learned about teamwork and working to different people’s strengths that will follow me into grade 12.

Speaking of making movies, my next point involves my Southwest video. It has gone through many revisions. Some of which were met with friction. But in the end all those changes made it into a better showcase of my learning. I also plan to continue revisiting it to make it as good as it can be.

But for all the work I have to be proud of there is still things I need to improve upon, Mainly writing. There is some reason examples of good writing like my Concept Paragraphs, which shows that I am capable of creating a interesting piece of Literature. But if you look at all my writing over the year it isn’t my greatest accomplishment. Next year I plan to improve on this weak spot by translating my precise movie making skills into making detail Essay.

So there are skills that I will hold above my head as I walk into my final year and there are things I will improve upon for later use. But one things for sure. This time next year I will graduate with plethora of skill in my hands and a smile on my face.