Deny, Deny, Deny!

With Trump so predominantly in the news and all his faults on public display people have forgotten the mess ups of previous presidents. Scandals, coverups, and just plain stupid comments are just some of the things we’ve left in the past. But as a PLP active Learner I couldn’t let those pieces of history get buried under the new Idiocracy.

We start a few days before the class was assigned the task of making a satire on an issue of our choice. My dad wanted me to watch a movie called All The Presidents Men to learn about what was going on politically in that time period. It was a good film and taught me a lot about the Watergate scandal. It also acted as my inspiration for the project. I knew I wanted to do something with Richard Nixon for my Satire, but I didn’t know how to incorporate that topic into video form. Then I saw in my YouTube subscription feed a new episode of Spill Your Guts Or Fill Your Guts. The point of the show was to get celebrities to either spill secrets or eat something nasty.

This worked perfectly except that I needed more people for the lineup, then I thought of Bill Clinton and his sex scandal. It was perfect, but I wanted one more president. So I researched the man that people have been calling the original Trump, George W Bush. As soon as I started digging I found interviews and press conferences that were honestly hilarious. Some of the things that he said were stupefying. I mean he forgot the second half of the saying “fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me”!

I quickly wrote up a script with the info I had gathered. It was pretty easy, I just had to use the typical political technique of denying everything. Once that was done I began filming.

It was difficult at first because I was playing every character, Nixon, Clinton, Bush, and the host. But using some clever camera work and acting I semi-realistically made it seem like I was talking to myself. I wore a different coat, tie, and hair style for each person as well as doing an impersonation. It was time consuming but worth it in the end.

For the food in the video I didn’t actually eat anything bad. The sweet bread was actually raspberry jam, the cows heart was chorizo, and the bird saliva was limeade. The only thing that was kind of gross was the fish smoothie because it was watered down yogurt.

All of this backstory and information makes viewing my project a little interesting. But you can get the same enjoyment if you just skip to the video. I mean who reads blog posts anymore?