The art of writing

Something that I am a little proud of is the improvement and refinement of my writing skills. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still not the best writer but I have gotten way better.

It is just little detailed that have made my writing more appealing like indenting new paragraphs. Witch I realize is ironic because my blog won’t let me indent this. But I assure you that I do it in essays.

My literary skills have made reading my work more enjoyable as well. I have learned to express what I am trying to say in a way that people can understand. I have proven my new found skills by getting an A on my English Provincial exam.


Star Wars essay

This Is an essay that I wrote earlier this year. It’s ok but not the best I can do.

20,000 millimetres under the sea

This is the essay or at least close to the essay I wrote in the exam. I think it’s great but in the future I hope to show this as a before for an amazing essay.