A sad Day For a The People of Halifax

Wow, after seeing myself in this video I might want to change career paths. I can become a professional news reporter, just like Ron Burgundy. Although, I don’t know if I can pull off the moustache. In all seriousness I did enjoy this project. It…

Sargent James Bond, Canadian Expeditionary Force

Finding a solider for this project was a difficult choice. I looked up my name, the names of some family friends, and even the names of some video game characters. But, after all though choices I went with the classic, James Bond.   They didn’t…

A Blast From The Past

OOOOOOOOH boy! Did this project take longer than expected or what! Nothing. Man I guess I got moved to the part of the internet with a tough crowd. Well even if there is no one reading this or Justin Trudeau himself reading this, I am…

You Have To Crack Some Eggs Before You Can Make a War.

You know, this is actually starting to be ok. I feel a little less depressed every time I type in Blog44. Now you probably didn’t come here to read how I feel about the blog because you can do that on any veteran Flighters Blog. No,…

The Little Navy That Could

You know, every time I log on to this site, I wonder if it is going to work. It always has but I still hope for the day it says server not found. Then I can go to Willemse and say “Sorry, I can’t do…

My Calm Between Storms

Does this thing even still work? Testing, testing, 1 2 3. Oh, it is on. Ok then I may as well talk about my summer. The year was 2016… After school ended I was pretty happy. Had a few days to relax and regroup. But…


My Blue sky went through a lot of stages. I was originally going to make a pulley that brings the garbage up the driveway but my parents weren’t to keen on buying 400ft of chain. So I eventually gave up on that idea and went…

The Little story’s of the South With Big Impacts

The South trip was one of our longest trips. 14 days of learning and sparking our intelligence. But you know what was even longer… our Little Big Story’s about the South trip. Besides the point that they took a long time to complete I think…

The Southern Trip of a Lifetime

I will remember this trip for the rest of my life. The experiences that we had down in the South were once in a life time, and definitely life changing. It all started in Atlanta, which we learned more about that we expected. When we…

Everyday heroes of a segregated society

In 1961 a brave group of volunteers set out to Chang history. They new that there was a risk of death but they were not thinking of themselves, they though of their neighbours, their mailmen, their coworkers, and most importantly their children. The freedom rider…