Dang, Willemse! Back at it again with the spring SLC.

We’re back at this again? Fine lets just get into it. This year I think I have done well so far, I may have a bad habit of sometime handing in things late but that is because of my busy schedule and addiction with YouTube….

The art of writing

Something that I am a little proud of is the improvement and refinement of my writing skills. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still not the best writer but I have gotten way better. It is just little detailed that have made my writing more appealing…

20,000 millimetres under the sea

It was another sunny, picture perfect day in Hawaii. My family and I had gone to the same place on the same island for the past 11 years and I loved it. It was nice to have a tropical getaway from the usual dreary Vancouver…

Star Wars essay

You may think that Boba Fett is a cool, calm, and silent bounty hunter but if you look closer he turns into a open book. The changes he makes from childhood to adulthood are drastic but those come with drastic events. Boba’s signature armour has…

Destination…Burnaby North

It was nerve racking going to DI. Looking at all the groups getting ready for their turn in front of the same judges we were facing. But seeing this, felt like a confidence boost. The signal I got your brain to step up and try…

My gold rush project (kinda)

This was a project, but it wasn’t. This was assigned by the teacher, but it kinda wasn’t. This was a inspiration of my, and that’s true. This newspaper wasn’t really a direct project from the teacher, but it still got the info across and retained…

Working against impossible odds

Blog44 4.0.1 home_directory_50118203-02 Flight10m i386 Analog_core_memory 599862…OK S Login -n root Login: ***********   Login_Correct Start_up_initiate… Man it feels weird to be starting up this old thing again. But, whatever the case it had to be done. The reason you might ask as to why…

The duel sun project

First of all I just want to get this out of the way. How is this a blue sky if it has a topic? The definition of a blue sky project is that we can do anything but if we have to do it under…

Taming the Beast known as the Synthesis Essay

I did not choose this essay. This essay chose me. I did not want this essay. This essay wanted me. So I’m stuck with it. It was the year 2015 and it seemed like a typical day at school, but little did I know that…

Spring SLC (roasting)

Looking back at my work you can definitely see some trends which are sometimes good, sometime bad. The bad ones are my writing skills. I usually have much shorter paragraph than the other kids (at least the get to the point faster) and they usually…