Why do people climb Everest?

“Because its there” is a famous quote from mountain climber George Mallory. He said this when a reporter asked “why did you climb Everest”. This is one of the many answers as to why people climb mountains. There is no single answer to this question…

The cray cray foundation

Bill Gates is a amazing man. He founded Microsoft in 1975 and now it is a multi billion dollar company. Mr. Gates is one of the riches men in the world, but more importantly he does some outside of the box things with that money….

Mini Superhero’s

So far I have made four figures, a time line, and this blog post. And I think that is pretty good for what point in time we are at. I have a full time work bench to make the figures that includes a magnifying stand,…

Catching up with the industrial revolution

As you can see in this photo we are working hard to get a idea of what we want to do. For our machine we are going to build a ramp that different points on the ramp are different points during the time of the…

How we are doing on our machine

So far are group has accomplished the roots of our machine. We have made a time line that map out all the essential dates and events for the industrial revolution. We tried to get the French Revolution but I think the industrial will work well…

The American revolution

Why did the Americans want freedom? Was my question. And to answer this question I wanted to do the same format that I did my French Revolution in. This one was a bit harder to right the script because I got so inspired for the…

A brief history of the French Revolution

    When did France go crazy in the French Revolution?     For this blogpost I went all out. I got inspired during maker block to make this type of blogpost. It was loosely based after an honest trailer format with info on what…

English civil war

Q) what did nearby countries do during the english civil war? A) The only known record of other countries during the time of the great rebellion involves France and Spain. Both countries became part of the record of the civil war after they hid Charles…

The periodic table of superhero’s

When I was thinking about what I was going to do for my periodic table, two criteria’s came to mind. What do I like and what do I know a lot of facts about. The first thing I could think of that fit both characteristics…