This week in my Maker class, we have been discussing the idea of SMART goals. I have learned many things about SMART goals, for example what SMART stands for. The S stands for specific, the M is measurable, the A is attainable, R stands for realistic, and the T stands for timely. We created three SMART goals in class this week and made a video with three handmade visuals to represent it.



In my first video I talk about how I can improve my work ethic in my French class. For this audio recording, I created two pictures to show different ways that I can organize my French homework information. These drawings represent my main points of proper organization by dividing my homework into three separate sections to make my homework list clearer.



In my second recording I talk about one of the weakest parts of my character, my honest opinion. I would like to be more honest while doing projects at school and to represent this topic I drew a picture of me telling my group my honest opinions. This picture depicts how I can be a more involved member of a group when making decisions.



My last video is about how I ca improve my balance while mountain biking. Over the winter I have a plan to go on a balancing board to increase my strength in that skill. My first drawing in this videoI think that my SMART goals will make me a stronger person, both physically and mentally.

This project helped me realize what aspects of my work ethic, personality, and outside of school activities I can improve on. After setting guidelines and timelines for myself, I feel like I have a better chance of completing my SMART goals for this year. My goals are specific, like in my first goal how I chose on thing I can improve on in one class. My goals are measurable, for example when I said how I can count the times that I fall off my bike when mountain biking and then try for less next time. I think that the goals I chose are attainable and realistic for me because I only picked specific things that effect my life the most so that I have more chances to critique myself. I believe that if I give myself a year to reduce the number of late assignments, give my opinion on subjects more often, and fall off my bike half as much as I did this season, I can complete my goals successfully.