Ever heard of a Destination Imagination team called SWEK?


No? Well, DI Regionals just took place, resulting with my team, SWEK, coming in 1st place for Improv!


Read about my expirience at the Regional tournament here!


Destination? Imagination!


My team was very proud that our hard work paid off, and I was more than excited to take the time between Regionals and Provincials as a chance to improve as a DI participant.



As you probably know, preparing for a DI tournament is a very stressful task, but my group had an even harder time because two team members were not able to compete. Out of Kyle, Willa, Ethan, and myself, only Willa and Kyle attended the DI Provincials.


I unfortunately got sick on my vacation to Morocco during spring break, which was a week before the DI provincials. I was so sick, that I needed to stay over night in a hospital so that I could take medications and try to recover.


A picture of me before I got sick:



A picture of my while I was sick on my trip:



Not only was I sick on my trip for a week, but was continuously sick for an additional week when I got home. After being sick for so long, I became very weak and wasn’t able to be in cars, walk for more than a few minutes, or even sit upright for long periods of time, let alone spend the whole day at the tournament.


I spent the weekend of the tournament trying to recover and build up my strength so that I could go to school on the following Monday. I was upset that I couldn’t be there for my team after working so hard to prepare us, but I knew that my health was important and I shouldn’t risk making myself worst.



Although Ethan and my absences were very difficult for my group, I am really glad that we put together an action plan for my team before spring break. This action plan made it easier for my group to move forward with half as many members as we started with! We made a list of things that we wanted to accomplish before we went to the tournament which would improve us as Improv participants.


One thing that really helped my group, was making study cards that helped us memorize who all of the explorers were and why they are famous today. I made my flash cards as soon as we got back from the Regional tournament, and spent a long time going over them. I advised my group members to do the same as me because the flash cards really helped me understand the explorers better. All of my group members made their own sets of cards and I think that everyone did a great job of memorizing that information over spring break.


An overview of my flash cards:




I did my best, as a team member who wasn’t participating at the tournament, to help my team prepare. I’m really proud of my teams hard work, even though we didn’t get a great result from the Provincials.




Destination Imagination has helped me become a better student in so many ways. I understand how hard it is to work as a group to complete something as hard as DI, but I came out of DI with the very useful skills of team management and leadership. I was shown how to be more creative with my work and how to think outside the box. I can use all of these skills in my projects to come, and I’m so glad that I’ve had this experience because it has let me improve as a learner.