Syd’s Blog

only good vibes


Humanities Projects

Lord Of The Flies

The last unit in my Humanities 10 class was a social experiment. Confused? Don’t worry, when we were told that everything we were going to be doing in our class for the next month would be an experiment, we were… Continue Reading →

#BC Tech Summit

“The BC Tech Summit? What is that?”   My class had no idea what to expect when we were given the permission slips for our class trip to the BC Tech Summit on Youth Innovation Day. As my teacher explained that… Continue Reading →

World War II

One of my favourite things about my Socials classes is learning about wars. Some of the most interesting parts of wars, is knowing who was fighting who, and why. One example of this is World War II, which was fought… Continue Reading →

Code Name Verity Book Review

In my humanities class, we have been learning about different aspects of World War II. Along with the major battles and turning points (Blitzkrieg, Operation Barbarossa, Pearl Harbour…), we learned about the countries that were involved and their contributions to… Continue Reading →


Disruption has been my classes unit for the past four months, giving us enough time to research different aspects of it. On our field school to California, we were given several different chances to learn more about disruption in specific… Continue Reading →

Disruption In California Book

My PLP class was given a chance to have one of the best learning experiences possible, a field school to California. Going on a field school allows us to learn outside of a classroom and connect our unit, Disruption, to… Continue Reading →

High Tech High

On my class’s most resent field school, we went to California and visited San Diego, San Jose, and San Francisco. After a few days of sight seeing and being tourists in San Diego, we got to meet some really cool… Continue Reading →

Storytelling Exhibition

My PLP class has been working on a unit about podcasts, specifically story telling ones. For the end of this unit, we had an exhibition where all of the grades in the PLP programs could show some of their work…. Continue Reading →

Little Brother: Programming

Technology is an amazing thing that we take advantage of every day. Think about it… You post pictures of yourself, share private information, and let people know where you are without even thinking about it. Technology is an easy way… Continue Reading →

Sins of the City: Immigration

In my humanities class, we have started a new unit called Sins of the City. The project that my class was assigned was a podcast that informed its viewers about an important topic that  involves Canada through the interwar period… Continue Reading →

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