As you all know it, school can be a dreaded part of the day. Sure, there may be some of those kids out their that love school and everything about it, but I cant say the same. School can be fun and I like it but when there is a scedule that makes you want to fall asleep, yeah it can be boring. Im hoping this is going to be a 5 part series of blogs that I will post every Friday, but it might not happen depending on school work. Now, you may be wondering “Why are you writing about something so pointless” well in this short series I’m hoping to show you how you can make school fun and to keep a good attitude. I get it, you don’t like asking for help, trust me neither did I. But just like I wrote about in my Growth Mindset blog, it’s important to keep a growth mindset in school, or trust me it will feel like hell. Why is a growth mindset so important? Well it turns out having one is the key to success, TRUST ME! Having a growth mindset can be VERY HARD! But it takes time and you will fail, you just need to encourage yourself to keep on going. If you are in grade 8 and your reading this, well the time I’m writing this I’m in grade 8 as well, and I know what ur going through, so much drama with friends, times were you just want to fit in, times you want to be popular and you just want to fit in. Trust me it takes time to grow a good relationship, and to find your people. Walking into conversations can be extremely tough, and you must remind yourself “I can do this” or “I’m great at connecting with people” this may seem like some cheesy stuff to remind yourself of. But trust me, IT WORKS! Taking a step out of your comfort zone can be one of the hardest things to do in life, so your not alone! For this week, I want you to try one simple thing, tell yourself “YOU CAN” you can do anything you put your mind to! The thing is, Β its so hard to motivate yourself to do a task, and this is no east task. Just try doing this, tell yourself “YOU CAN” instead of “I CANT” or “IM NOT GOOD ENOUGH” just try, if you need more help please, feel free to comment. And I will respond with out a doubt! Thank you for checking this random post of mine out, and well. Ill see you in the next post, thanks for stopping by.
Inspirational quote of the day:
You learn more from failure than from success!
-Sylas π
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