Hello everyone, and welcome to our new Scimatics project, the ultimate design challenge! This project was all about finding the Surface area and Volume in all sorts of objects. This project had tasks that included making a 3D model using software called Tinkercad, finding the maxim amount of surface area in that object, and finally, 3D print those objects with a 3D printer. Our goal was to make an object that we could 3D print and then find the Surface Area and Volume of that object, so a purity fun project overall! The model we chose was a Maersk Line container ship. Now, if you don’t already know, all of PLP’s projects start with a driving question. What is a driving question? Well, a driving question is something that DRIVES our project forward, and Milestones are bit collections of projects that will help us answer a driving question. The more milestones we do, the closer we get to answering the driving question! Our driving question for this project was: “How can we design a container ship for maximum volume/surface area?”. Now, how about we move onto the Milestones that help us answer the driving questions:
The first milestone was Milestone 1; for Milestone 1, we had to make a driving question; what do you mean by “Make a driving question?” In basic terms, we had to use the Example: How can I design a ____ for maximum surface area/volume? And put our object that we would build on the dotted line; in the end, our driving question was: “How can I design a container ship for maximum surface area and volume.
Then we had Milestone 2; now for Milestone 2, we had to make our Models and Formulas; basically, we had to make our Model, and then show photos of our model, and finally show all the formulas we will use to find the surface area and volume of our object. Here are the images of that project:
Lets move onto Milestone 3, for Milestone 3 we had to do the calculations, and what I mean by that is use the formulas that we said we would use in MS2 to calculate all our different shapes Surface Area and Volume. Here is a picture of our calculations for MS3:
How about we move onto Milestone 4, Milestone 4 was are 3D printed model! Sadly, the 3D printer could not print our model, so sadly I cant show picture. But for the most part a purity simple Milestone.
Now for my favourite Milestone, Milestone 5, for Milestone 5 we had to present our model to the class! For our presentation we showed why we chose a container ship, we showed our calculations, and we showed all the steps we took to building it.
Now for the last Milestone, Milestone 6, Milestone 6 was about writing the final reflection blog post, the one you are reading at this very moment!
Curricular Competencies:
Applying and Innovating:
Now for Applying and Innovating I think I did an accomplished job at this competency. Why do you think I did an accomplished job at this competency, well, I think that I used most of my class time without distractions even at the most boring times. For example: When I was designing my model, I really REALLY wanted to go watch some youtube, and I kept telling myself “You need to get this done”. And I believe those actions should get me an accomplished grade for this competency.
Reasoning and Analyzing:
I also think I did an accomplished job at this competency. Why? Well, I made sure to make my model in tinkercad and made sure I made my model optimized for maximum surface area and volume. For example: When making the ship, I made sure to include more then 12 shapes on my boat, to make sure I would accomplish this competency.
Communicating and Representing:
Now for the last competency, I predict I did an accomplished job at this competency because I made sure, that my calculations were completely accurate. And made sure to use all the calculations I said I would and I also made sure these factors were explained in the keynote presentation. For example: When making the presentation, I made sure to show our calculations and I also made sure they had a detailed description of how we used the formulas to find out our Surface area and Volume.
In conclusion, this project was a blast, and I know I say this a lot, but this Scimatics project, was super fun! Like really fun! This project taught me all sorts of life skills, like how to be a leader, how to work with other people, and to use mathematical equations to solve everyday things! Now its time for my answer to the driving question: “How can I design a container ship so that it has maximum surface area and volume?” Well, one way to make it have more volume then surface area, is to make all the objects hollow. And another idea I had was adding numerous containers to the ship, it took a little bit longer but proved to be successfully, and the last thing I did was make the hull and storage hull really big, so that its got lots of volume. And all of these tricks proved to be successful. Thanks for checking out my blog, and have a great day!
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